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How Facebook Detox Improved My Well Being

Facebook Detox

You’ve probably heard or seen many stories about people who tried Facebook Detox and if you haven’t yet, I suggest you give it a go.

I have been using Facebook since 2009, the year when it became popular in the Philippines. It was introduced to me by a friend and it was love at first sight. It was the perfect virtual platform for a young kid like me back then. You can play games, chat with your friends and meet new people with just one click.

Fast forward to the present, I usually use the app for catching up purposes such as friends’ birthdays, anniversaries, and most importantly, news. Not to mention the infinite number of memes that surely light up my day. It has been a necessity to me, a part of my routine.

Facebook has been beneficial to me in terms of communication. Its messenger app makes it easy for me to contact local friends and family members who are living overseas. It is also a way for me to get updates on what’s happening to the world at present. 

My Facebook Detox Story

But everything has its dark side and Facebook has its own fair share of unfavorable effects on my well-being. 

My stress is at its highest point when I decided to start my detox. I’m jobless and at the same time experiencing financial difficulties, my health is declining and everything that’s happening around the world that is publicly displayed on Facebook, which is mostly negative, wasn’t helping at all. The perks of being connected to everything that is happening were just adding to the stress. 

And then it hit me.

I needed a change. That’s when I decided to disconnect from the superficial virtual world.

I started my first day of detox by turning off the wifi connection on my phone. It was odd because checking Facebook first thing in the morning was part of my routine.

To distract myself from the urge of checking my phone, I tried doing household chores and I started with my room. I decluttered my things and in the process, discovered some old photos and writings. It’s as if I’m having a trip down memory lane as I scan through all the nostalgic pictures and my old works. I didn’t realize it was lunchtime already. 

Halfway through the day, I decided to just do more household chores, play some video games and do some content writing for my project until nighttime.

It was a proud moment because I was able to finish my first day and it was very fulfilling. 

Keeping Up

My tasks on the succeeding days aren’t limited to just household chores. I was able to read a number of books, do some home workouts, spend more time with my family and pets, relax listening to my favorite jam, and believe it or not, learn how to do some basic cooking skills in the process.

Fortunately, I was able to keep up with the system day by day, until I felt something different. After 1 week of having my detox, I found myself waking up reinvigorated, and I felt like I have accomplished more things compared to my previous weeks or even years.

After my detox, this is what I realized:

  1. I sleep better 
  2. I got a chance to build relationships outside
  3. I get to focus at work
  4. I got a chance to get closer to my family
  5. My creativity soared to greater heights
  6. Peace of mind

I’ve continued this so-called challenge for quite some time but after a few months, because of the nature of my work, I decided to go back. But does that mean that everything I did was put to waste? Of course not.

There’s one thing I noticed when I get into Facebook again and that is I see things differently now. 

Before, every time I see something negative, my initial response is to channel the same energy. Today, I learned to not give a damn and to just focus on things that really matter. But if you can’t do me, then I would advise that you filter everything you see or If it doesn’t work, I guess it’s time to say goodbye to that friend that gives you stress. Remember, you can’t control what you see, but what you can control is how you react.

Before, I’m in denial that I suffer from FOMO or the fear of missing out. Today, I realized that I’m not really missing out on anything, and relying on Facebook for happiness isn’t a good idea at all.

Renewed Vigor

I’ve never felt this good for quite some time and this has been one of the best decisions I could have made for my well-being. It’s as If I’m reborn with a renewed sense of vigor. 

And the best thing about this? I was able to pay more attention to my actual life instead of a virtual one and I also realized that happiness is focusing and savoring everything that’s happening in front of you.

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