Home MOBA Dota 2 SEA Charity Showmatch Recap: TNC and Fnatic raise over 172k PHP

SEA Charity Showmatch Recap: TNC and Fnatic raise over 172k PHP

Tnc Fnatic Showmatch

TNC Predator reign supreme over Fnatic as what started as a Meme War ended up with a Charity Showmatch that aims to raise money for the World Health Organization’s effort to battle against the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic. TNC won three games to two over Fnatic over 5 different game modes. They were able to raise over 172K PHP throughout 5 matches.

Game 1 – Reverse Captains Mode

The much anticipated SEA Showmatch started with a bang as both teams chose a lineup full of carries for each team, just like how many people see SEA pubs daily.

Iceiceice seems to be having fun in this game 1 because he keeps pulling and stacking creeps from the bottom as a way of farming. We also see DJ using Dagon for his Sniper. But Gabbi’s Phantom Lancer and Kpii’s Anti Mage had a great early game that made it difficult for Fnatic to keep up.

Game 1  had a good laugh even with the in-game chat and ended in  just 25 minutes and it was a foreshadowing of what’s going to happen in this whole charity match. After the 1st game, they were able to raise the donation money from up to 82,000 Pesos.

Game 2 – All Random Death Match

In this mode, players will receive a random hero in the beginning and receives a new random one after death. It was all riot as I can’t even track who’s playing who in the game. At the latter part of the match, TNC was left with 2 heroes, Ogre and Morphling because all heroes have already been used. It was a 5 v 2 in favor of Fnatic. Tims was all left alone with his Ogre and was trying to avoid the inevitable by hiding but Fnatic was able to find him and eventually winning the 2nd match. 

After Game 2, the donation money already reached 146,000 Pesos.

Game 3 – Same Hero All-Mid

Fans are treated with a classic pudge war in the mid-lane. It was a hook fest leading to TNC Kpii drawing first blood to Fnatic Jabz. Fnatic won Game 3 after reaching 40 kills first. It was a close match though with TNC having 39 kills. 

Game 3 ended with the donation money already reaching 158,000 Pesos

Game 4 – Ability Draft

In this mode, each player will play a hero with four abilities selected from a random pool of abilities.

The game ended as Fnatic already called GG at the 23-minute mark. The combination of skill sets of Tims and Armel was too much for Fnatic to handle.

After game 4, the donation money had already reached 168,000.

Game 5 – Turbo Mode

Fnatic opted for a push-type strat with Prophet, Lycan, and Chen. Things are going good for TNC in the early match but Fnatic was able to get a break at the 12-minute mark and put TNC on the edge of their T3. TNC was able to defend it and eventually finished the match.

Admin vs Admin

The most anticipated match of the Charity game is the 1 v 1 battle of both Social Media Admins of TNC Predator and Fnatic. It is a classic SF vs SF in the mid-lane. Shann of TNC was able to defeat Neil of Fnatic, 2-0.

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