Home MOBA Wild Rift Guide Jhin Wild Rift Guide, Build and Strategy

Jhin Wild Rift Guide, Build and Strategy

Jhin Wild Rift Guide Build

Jhin is a marksman champion who terrorized enemies with his powerful pistol-based attacks and long range abilities. He can be nasty in the laning stages of the game especially when combined with a heavy crowd control support.

How to Play Jhin

How to Play Jhin Wild Rift
  • You can use the fourth bullet of his Passive to poke enemies
  • You can still cast skills even when you are reloading
  • Use Dancing Grenade, Deadly Flourish and Captive Audience to clear minion waves faster
  • Use Deadly Flourish to poke enemies in the lane
  • Deadly Flourish will root targets if it is attacked by Jhin, Allies or Lotus Trap within 4 seconds
  • Use Captive Audience as wards and place them on the bush or jungle path to avoid ganks
  • Use Captive Audience on your escape path
  • Position yourself on a good spot when using Curtain Call as you are very vulnerable to enemy attacks
  • You can recast Curtain Call to cancel the skill
  • Curtain Call deals more damage on low HP targets
  • Always stay on the backline and maximize your long range


Jhin Wild Rift Skills

Passive / Whisper: Jhin’s hand cannon, Whisper, carries 4 shots before needing to reloaded and fires at a fixed rate. Attack speed will be converted into Attack Damage. The final bullet will critically strike and deal additional 15% missing health physical damage. Whenever Whisper crits, Jhin gains a burst of 8% movement speed for 2 seconds.

Skill 1 / Dancing Grenade: Launches a magical cartridge at an enemy, dealing physical damage before bouncing to a nearby target that has not yet been hit. It can hit up to 4 targets and gains 35% damage each time it kills.

Skill 2 / Deadly Flourish: Fires a long range shot that stops on the first champion hit, dealng physical damage to it, and 75% of that damage to minions and monsters hit along the way. If the target champion was struck by Jhin, Jhin’s allies or Lotus Traps within the last 4 seconds, they are rooted for 1 second and Jhin gains movement speed as though he had crit them.

Skill 3 / Captive Audience: Places an invisible Lotus Trap that reveals nearby enemies when walked over. It slows enemies by 30% before dealing magic damage. When Jhin kills an enemy champion, a Lotus Trap will spawn detonate where they were killed.

Skill 4 / Curtain Call: Channels to fire 4 super shots at extreme range in a cone, The shot stops on the first champion hit, slowing it by 80% for 0.75 second and dealing physical damage, increased by 3% for each 1% health the target is missing. The 4th shot crits for 200% damage.

Item Build

Jhin Wild Rift Item Build

Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Infinity Edge, Swift Quicksilver, Rapid Firecannon, Guardian Angel, Mortal Reminder


Jhin Wild Rift Best Runes
  • Fleet Footwork – Moving, attacking and casting builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack heals you and grant movement speed.
  • Champion – Gain 8% damage against champions. Lose 4% each time you die until the bonus disappears.
  • Adaptive Carapace – Gain 50 health. While below 50% health, gain 12 AR or 12 MR based on the damage type you took more of over the last 60 seconds.
  • Sweet Tooth – Increases Honeyfruit healing by 25%. Whenever you or a nearby ally eats a Honeyfruit gain 20 gold.


  • Barrier (or Heal)
  • Flash

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