Home MOBA Dota 2 Everything you Need to know about the Dota 2 Mistwood Update

Everything you Need to know about the Dota 2 Mistwood Update

Dota 2 Mistwood 7.28 Patch Update

Months ago I created an article about the state of DOTA 2 and its declining number of players and how Valve is responding to keep the community in tact and make the players stay and I must say, Valve really outdone themselves (for me at least) this year.

They released the extended Battle Pass and the much anticipated Diretide despited Covid 19 Pandemic hurdle and I would like to give them probs to that. But just when you thought the surprises are over, they once again released a huge update before ending the year that will surely change the way we play the game and would probably make old players curious enough to go back and play the classic MOBA again.

Last December 17, 2020, DOTA 2 released the Mistwood Update / Dota 7.28, giving us the new hero named ‘Hoodwink’ along with some big changes.

In this article I will list down all the notable changes that the new patch has brought to us.

New Hero


  • Ranged, Disabler, Escape, Nuker

Acorn Shot (1st skill)

  • Hoodwink fires an acorn at her target which can bounce to nearby enemies, slowing them and dealing bonus damage. It can also be a ground target to create a tree, but the added bounce will be lost.

Bushwack (2nd Skill)

  • Tosses a net trap that stuns enemy heroes if they are near a tree. Enemies are pulled towards the tree and have their vision reduced to 0 for the duration of the stun.

Scurry (3rd Skill)

  • Hoodwink passively has chance to evade physical attacks while near trees. When activated, Hoodwink gains bonus movement speed, phased collision and tree walking for a brief time.

Sharpshooter (Ultimate)

  • Hoodwink charges up and fires a deadly bolt from her crossbow, dealing heavy damage, slow and break to an enemy hero. The damage and debuff duration scale up in time with her charge.

Aghanim’s Shard

Aghanim's Shards Dota 2
  • Aghanim’s Shard is a new item that costs 1400 gold which permanently adds a new ability or improves an existing one.

Item Changes

New Items from Shop

  • Fluffy Hat – Grants 125 Health
  • Falcon Blade – Grants +150 Health, +1.6 Mana Regen, +10 Damage
  • Orb of Corrosion – Provides +150 Health, 13%/4% Slow, 3 Magic DPS, and 3 Armor reduction. Lasts 3 seconds
  • Witch Blade – Grants +35 Attack Speed, +12 Intelligence, +6 Armor and +300 Projectile Speed. Has a 9 second passive cooldown that procs on attacks, applying a curse for 3 seconds that slows by 25% and deals your Int as damage every second.
  • Gleipnir – Provides +30 Damage, +20 Intelligence, +12 Strength and +12 Agility. Passive: 160 damage Chain Lightning proc. Active: Targets a 450 AoE area, releasing a lightning strike onto each enemy unit, ensnaring them for 2 seconds and dealing a chain lightning damage proc for 220 damage. Cast Range: 1100. Manacost: 200
  • Mage Slayer – Grants +20% Magic Resistance, +20 Agility, +20 Damage and causes your attacks to place a -35% Spell Amp debuff on enemy heroes lasting 4 seconds.
  • Eternal Shroud – Grants +8.5 HP Regeneration, +20% Hero Spell Lifesteal and +4% Creep Spell Lifesteal. Can be activated to create a shield that absorbs up to 400 magical damage and converts it to mana. Lasts 12 seconds. Cooldown: 60. Manacost: 50
  • Helm of the Dominator – Allows converting Ancients. Minimum health increased to 1800. Increases stat/armor/hp regen bonuses from 6/6/6 to 20/8/8
  • Overwhelming Blink – Grants you +25 Strength, and when you land at a destination, all enemies in a 800 AoE have 50% movement slow and 50 attack slow for 6 seconds and take damage equal to 200 + 100% of your strength.
  • Swift Blink – Grants you +25 Agility, and when you land at a destination, you gain 30% phased movement speed, and +40 Damage and +40 Attack Speed for 6 seconds.
  • Arcane Blink – Grants you +25 Intelligence, and when you land at a destination, gain -50% Cast Point and 25% Ability Cooldown Reduction for 6 seconds. Does not affect items.
  • Wind Waker – Grants +50 Movement Speed, +6 Mana Regen, +35 Intelligence. Extends the Cyclone functionality to allow casting on allies. When cast on yourself, you can move the tornado anywhere at a speed of 360.

New Neutral Items

Tier 1

  • Fairy’s Trinket – +100 Health, +5% Spell Amp. Reduces manacosts by 5%
  • Chipped Vest – Grants +3.5 HP Regen and passively returns 26 damage to hero attackers and 13 to creeps.
  • Possessed Mask – +7 Primary Attribute, +7% Lifesteal

Tier 2

  • Quicksilver Amulet – +30% Attack Animation and Projectile Speed. +5% MS and +10 Attack Speed. If any of your abilities are on cooldown, you gain an additional +5% MS and +15 Attack Speed.
  • Bullwhip – +3 HP Regen and +3 Mana Regen. Can be cast on allies to grant them +16% Movement Speed for 5 seconds, or on enemies to slow them by 16% for 5 seconds. Cast Range: 850. Cooldown: 12

Tier 3

  • Elven Tunic – Grants +26 Attack Speed, +16% Evasion, +8% Movement Speed
  • Cloak of Flames – Grants +5 Armor, +10% Magic Resistance and a passive immolation aura dealing 45 damage per second in a 400 AoE
  • Ceremonial Robe – Grants +350 Mana. Enemies in 1200 AoE have -10% Status Resistance and -10% Magic Resistance.
  • Psychic Headband – Grants +12% Intelligence and +100 Cast Range. Activate to push the target enemy 400 distance away from you. Cast Range: 800. Cooldown: 30.

Tier 4

  • Penta-Edged Sword – Provides +45 Damage, +80 Melee Attack Range and 20% chance to Maim enemies, reducing their movement speed by 20% and attack speed by 60 for 3 seconds.
  • Stromcrafter – Grants 4 Mana Regen. Zaps an enemy within 700 range of you every 3 seconds, dealing 200 damage and slowing by 40% for 0.3 seconds. Can be activated to cyclone yourself for 0.75 seconds. Cooldown: 25 Manacost: 50
  • Trickster Cloak – Grants +20% Evasion, +20% Magic Resistance. Activate to become invisible for 6 seconds. Cooldown: 25

Tier 5

  • Giant’s Ring – +40 Strength, +60 Movement Speed, +60% Model Size and can walk over any terrain. When standing on top of an enemy (100 AoE), deals 100% of your strength per second.
  • Book of Shadows – +12 All Stats, +400 Night Vision. Target an enemy, ally or self. Causes the target to become untargetable but also silenced, muted and disarmed for 4 seconds. Applies a Basic Dispel. Cast Range: 700 Cooldown: 25

Removed Neutral Items

Tier 1

  • Mango Tree
  • Poor Man’s Shield
  • Iron Talon

Tier 2

  • Clumsy Net
  • Vampire Fangs

Tier 3

  • Repair Kit
  • Craggy Coat
  • Greater Faerie Fire

Tier 4

  • Magic Lamp
  • Witless Shako
  • Prince’s Knife
  • Havoc Hammer

Tier 5

  • Woodland Striders
  • Trident

Other Changes

  • Balanced Heroes
  • Balanced Other Items in Shop
  • Updated Recipes of some Items in the Shop
  • Balanced Other Neutral Items
  • Neutral Units Balanced

Notable General Updates

  • Outworld Devourer changed to Outworld Destroyer
  • Added lore to all items
  • Rearranged some items in the shop

For more information about the Mistwood Updated you can visit the Dota 2 Website.

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