Home MOBA Dota 2 DOTA 2 Nemestice Event Game – Beginner’s Guide

DOTA 2 Nemestice Event Game – Beginner’s Guide

Dota 2 Nemestice Beginner's Guide

Nemestice is a new event in Dota 2 where the goal is to is destroy all of the enemy towers to win. You will also collect meteorite embers by channeling meteorites. Collecting these will boost your attack damage, spells and movement speed.

The game might look simple but there are also a lot of things you need to remember or might oversee.


Nemestice hero Pool

You can still use all of the heroes in game.


Nemestice Dota 2 Map

The Nemestice map has 4 lanes. Each of them has 1 tower that you need to destroy and defend. Every time your tower is destroyed, a new nemestice monster will aid you in battle.

  • Nemestice-crazed Kobolds (3 remaining towers)
  • Nemestice-crazed Priest (2 remaining towers)
  • Nemestice-crazed Hellbears (1 remaining tower)


Nemestice Embercharge

2 meteorites will be available at the start of the match. By channeling it you gain embers that can enhance your power. This is where you also get your neutral items.

Gain enough embercharge and you will literally shock nearby enemies.

There will be an indicator in game on when would the next meteorite would drop. Be careful not to get close to the dropping meteor as it will stun you and deal a lot of damage.

The embers that you collected will drop once you die and the enemy will have the chance to get it.


The goal is destroy all enemy towers. Every time you destroy a tower, power disperses to its allied towers making them stronger.

You will have 1000 gold as starting money and all couriers are turbo boosted. You will earn points as you win a game.

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