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What Sims 4 Expansion Pack Has Aliens

Sims 4 Get To Work

In The Sims 4, the expansion pack called “Get to Work” includes the ability to play as aliens. This expansion pack was released in 2015 and is available for purchase on the Origin platform or through physical copies. In addition to allowing players to create and control alien Sims, “Get to Work” also introduces a number of other features, such as the ability to play as a doctor, detective, or scientist, and to open and run a business.

Aliens in Sims 4

In The Sims 4, aliens are a life state that can be selected for Sims when creating them in the Create-a-Sim (CAS) menu. Sims can also be turned into aliens through the use of a special interaction with the Alien Summoning Portal object, which is included in the “Get to Work” expansion pack.

Alien Sims have a number of unique features and abilities:

  • They have green skin and an otherworldly appearance, and their eyes glow in the dark.
  • They can erase memory and reset the relationship to zero
  • They can transform into their “true form,” which is a larger, more humanoid version of their alien self.
  • They can “abduct” other Sims and bring them to their spaceship, which is located in the constellation constellation Ophiuchus.
  • They can use empathize and able to feel the same emotion with other Sims
  • They can “probe” other Sims, where they take out a Probe and scare the other Sim with it
  • They can resurrect dead alien collectibles
  • Transmute element and crystals

Alien Sims also have a number of unique needs and wants, such as the need to “energize” by using their special energy recharge station, and the desire to “experiment” on other Sims.

How to Play as an Alien on Sims 4

To play as an alien in The Sims 4, you will need to have the “Get to Work” expansion pack, which includes the ability to create and control alien Sims. Here’s how to play as an alien in The Sims 4:

  1. Start a new game or load an existing save file.
  2. Go to the Create-a-Sim (CAS) menu by clicking on the icon of a person in the lower right corner of the screen.
  3. Click on the “Life State” button in the lower left corner of the CAS window.
  4. Select “Alien” from the list of life states.
  5. Use the various customization options to create your alien Sim. You can choose their appearance, personality traits, and other characteristics.
  6. When you’re finished creating your Sim, click the “Done” button to save your changes and return to the main game screen.

Alternatively, you can turn an existing Sim into an alien by using the Alien Summoning Portal object, which is included in the “Get to Work” expansion pack. To use the portal, you’ll need to have it placed on a lot and then click on it and select the “Summon Alien” option. This will transform your Sim into an alien.


Being an alien in The Sims 4 can add an element of novelty and fun to your gameplay, as it introduces a number of unique abilities and features to the game. Playing as an alien can add an element of mystery and intrigue to your gameplay, as you explore the abilities and characteristics of your alien Sim and interact with other Sims in the game.

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