Home Gaming Valorant List of Playable Characters

Valorant List of Playable Characters

Valorant Characters

Valorant is a free-to-play 5v5 tactical shooter game created by Riot Games. Its close beta ended on May 28, 2020, and was released worldwide on June 2, 2020.

The gameplay is very simple. In Detonate and Defuse, 10 players will be divided into two teams wherein you can buy weapons, shields, and abilities unique to each agent. Teams will be categorized as attackers and defenders.

The goal is to eliminate all players in the opposing teams or complete objectives (Plant spike or defuse spike). The first team to reach 13 rounds wins.

Riot also added a free-for-all deathmatch mode wherein all abilities are discarded, you have infinite money and you’ll respawn after 2 seconds. The first player to reach 30 kills or the person who has the highest kills within the time limit wins.

As of writing, there are 12 agents to choose from, each of them having unique abilities.

  • Two Regular Abilities: These can be bought every round but will still remain after if you don’t use it
  • Signature Abilities: Free every round
  • Ultimate: You need to charge this ability before using this. You can charge this by killing enemies, completing objectives picking up orbs.

In this article, I will list down all the playable agents in Valorant.



  • C – Aftershock: Fires a burst through the wall that will damage enemies caught in it
  • Q – Flashpoint: Fires a charge that detonates to blind all players
  • E (Signature) – Fault Line: Fires a seismic blast that sets of a quake, dazing all players caught in it
  • X (Ultimate) – Rolling Thunder: Fires a seismic charge that sends a cascading quake in a large area that knocks up anyone caught in it



  • C – Stim Beacon: Throws a stream beacon in front and it will create a field that grants players RapidFire
  • Q – Incendiary: Throws a grenade launcher that detonates in the floor, causing a fire zone that causes damage to players
  • E (Signature) – Sky Smoke: Creates a smoke cloud that impairs vision. Left click to select location, Right click to confirm
  • X (Ultimate) – Orbital Strike: Fires an orbital strike laser at the selected location that deals damage over time.



  • C – Trapwire: Place a trapwire that reveals the enemy who crosses it
  • Q – Cyber Cage: Tosses a cyber rage(trap) that when activated, create a zone that blocks vision
  • E (Signature) – Spycam: Places a spy cam that can you can manually control to shoot a marking dart to enemies
  • X (Ultimate) – Neural Theft: Use it on a dead enemy corpse to reveal all enemy location



  • C – Cloudburst: Throws a vision blocking projectile that activates when it lands
  • Q – Updraft: Use to lift Jett in the air
  • E (Signature) – Tailwind: Lift Jett in the direction she is moving
  • X (Ultimate) – Blade Storm: Throws knives that recharges when you kill an opponent. Left click to fire single knife, right click to throw all remaining knives



  • C – Nanoswarm: Fires a nanoswarm grenade that deploys a swarm of nanobots that deals damage upon activation
  • Q – Alarmbot: Fires an alarmbot that hunts down enemies within range. It will explode and deal damage upon reaching its target
  • E (Signature) – Turret: Deploys a turret that shoots enemies
  • X (Ultimate) – Lockdown: Deploys a lockdown device that detains all enemies caught in its area after a short delay



  • C – Shrouded Step: Teleport to a mark location
  • Q – Paranoia: Throws an orb that reduces vision range. This ability can pass through walls
  • E (Signature) – Dark Cover: Throws a shadow orb that creates a sphere that blinds enemies.
  • X (Ultimate) – Teleport to a target location.



  • C – Blaze: Creates a wall made from flames that blocks vision and damages all who passes it
  • Q – Curveball: Throws a flare orb that blinds all players that sees it
  • E (Signature) – Hot Hands: Throws a fireball that explodes into the ground, damaging all who step on it
  • X (Ultimate) – Run it back: Marks your current location. Dying or letting it expire while its active will return you to your marked location



  • C – Blast Pack: Throws a blast pack that sticks to the surface. Activate it to damage anyone within its range
  • Q – Boom Bot: Deploys a Boom Bot that will lock to an enemy. It will explode if it reaches the target
  • E (Signature) – Paint Shells: Throws a cluster grenade that deals damage to anyone within range
  • X (Ultimate) – Showstopper: Fires a rocket launcher that deals damage



  • C – Leer: Throws an indestructible eye. All enemies who look at it will be nearsighted
  • Q – Devour: Consumes a soul orb that heals you rapidly for a short duration. Soul orbs appear when Reyna kills an enemy
  • E (Signature) – Dismiss: Consumes an orb instantly making Reyna intangible. If Ultimate is active, it will make her invisible too
  • X (Ultimate) – Empress: Enters a state where she gains increased firing, reload, speed. Gain infinite charges of Soul Harvest. Scoring will refresh the duration



  • C – Barrier Orb: Creates a solid wall, right click to rotate
  • Q – Slow Orb: Throws a slowing orb in a designated area and slowing players inside it
  • E (Signature) – Heals ally overtime, Right click to use it to yourself
  • X (Ultimate) – Revives an ally after a brief channeling



  • C – Owl Drone: Fires an owl drone that you can control. You can fire a marking dart while in control to reveal an enemy location that was struck by the marking dart
  • Q – Shock Bolt: Equips a bow with a shock arrow that shoots an explosive bolt that damages players within range
  • E (Signature) – Recon Bolt: Equips a bow with a recon arrow that reveals enemy location within range
  • X (Ultimate) – Hunter’s Fury: Equips a bow with 3 wall piercing energy blasts that deals damage and reveal enemy location within range



  • C – Snake Bite: Fire a chemical canister that creates a chemical zone that damages enemies
  • Q – Poison Cloud: Fire a gas emitter that creates toxic clouds
  • E (Signature) – Toxic Screen: Fires a line of gas emitters to create a wall of toxic gas
  • X (Ultimate) – Viper’s Pit: Fires a chemical spray in all direction that reduces vision, range, and health of players inside it.

Who is your favorite agent in Valorant? Share your thoughts below!

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