Senna is the first ever marksman support to ever grace the League of Legends Universe. She can hurt and at the same time protect with her weapon, taking advantage of tools to deliver utility from a safe distance. She is also an expert at harassing her opponents in the lane with her long ranged attacks. You can either protect your friend or take down enemies, choose your path!
How to Play Senna

- Senna does not gain attack damage on level up and her critical strike deals 50% less damage.
- Piercing Darkness’ cast range matches Senna’s Attack range and its cast time is improved with Attack Speed.
- Piercing Darkness applies on-hit effects to enemy champions.
- Use Piercing Darkness to sustain your allies health on the lane
- Last Embrace is a good crowd control tool in teamfights
- Use Curse of the mist to escape and help allies
- You can also use Curse of the mist to confuse enemies
- Dawning Shadow gives temporary vision on its path
- Use Dawning Shadow to deal AoE damage on teamfights
- You can also use Dawning Shadow to protect allies from incoming damage
- Senna is most useful when she is in the backlines

Passive / Absolution: Senna can absorb Mist by attacking souls that spawn from dead enemies. She can also Siphon Mist from enemy champions she hits twice within 4 seconds, dealing 2% of their current health as bonus physical damage. 6 second cooldown per target.
Each stack of Mist grants 1 Attack Damage. Every 20 stacks of Mist grant 25 Attack Range and 15% Critical Strike Chance. 35% of excess Critical Strike Chance will be converted into physical vamp.
Relic Cannon: Attack takes extra time to fire, dealing bonus physical damage and briefly granting Senna 10% of target’s movement speed.
Skill 1 / Piercing Darkness: Shoots a bolt of piercing shadow through any object, dealing physical damage to enemies and restoring health to ally champions. Attacks reduce Piercing Darkness’ cooldown by 1 second.
Skill 2 / Last Embrace: Sends forth a wave of Black Mist, dealing physical damage to first enemy hit. After a 1 second delay the target and other nearby enemies are rooted for 1 second.
Skill 3 / Curse of the Black Mist: Dissolves into a cloud of mist for 6 seconds, becoming a Wraith. Allied champions who enter the mist are Camouflaged and become Wraiths when they leave. Wraiths gain 20% movement speed, are Unselectable and hide their identities as long as no enemy champions are nearby.
Skill 4 / Dawning Shadow: Fires a global wave that shields allies from damage for 3 seconds, while dealing physical damage and applies Mist to enemies caught in the center.
Item Build

Manamune, Infinity Edge, Swift Quicksilver, Rapid Firecannon, Mortal Reminder, Guardian Angel

Manamune, Iceborn Gauntlet, Ionian Locket, Protector’s Vow, Youmuu’s Ghostblade, Abyssal Mask

- Fleet Footwork – Moving, attacking and casting builds energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack heals you and grants increased movement speed.
- Hunter Vampirism – Gain 2% physical vamp or 2% magic vamp. Unique champion takedowns grant 2 Ad with 1% physical vamp or 4 AP with 1% magic vamp.
- Conditioning – Gain 8 bonus AR and MR after 5 minutes of game time. Every 2 minutes after this gain 2 bonus AR and MR.
- Manaflow Band – Hitting an enemy champion with an ability or empowered attack permanently increases your max mana by 30, up to 300 mana.

- Font of Life – Hitting an enemy champion with an attack or ability marks them. When allies or you damage marked champions, heal those allies and yourself. Each ally can trigger this healing once per mark.
- Brutal – Gain 7 AD and 2% Armor Penetration or 14 AP and 2% magic penetration.
- Adaptive Carapace – Gain 50 health. While below 50% health, gain 12 AR or 12 MR based on the damage type you took more of over the last 60 seconds.
- Pack Hunter – While near ally champions, gain 2% movement speed. For each unique ally you participate in a takedown with, you gain 50 gold and the ally also gains 50 gold.
- Heal
- Flash
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