Last week, Ragnarok M: Eternal Love previewed episode 7, “Dragon City Luoyang”. The patch includes the all-new 4th job, new maps, new max level, new dungeons, gameplay, and a lot more. All classes were officially revealed on Ragnarok M: Eternal Love’s Facebook page on different days. The Global release date was June 22, 2020, while for SEA it’s June 30, 2020.
Some of the notable features in the patch are:
- New farming spots
- Max Base Level 160
- Origin Skill System
- 4th Job Transendence
If you want to see the complete update notes then you can visit Ragnarok M: Eternal Love.
In this article, I will list down the new 4th jobs for each class. To change to the 4th job, you need to be at Job level 80. You’ll also unlock the origin skill system by doing this.
List of 4th Job Classes in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love
Runemaster (Knight)

Divine Avenger (Crusader)

Blade Soul (Assassin)

Phantom Dancer (Rogue)

Arcane Master (Wizard)

Chronomancer (Sage)

Saint (Priest)

Dragon Fist (Monk)

Stellar Hunter (Hunter)

Solar Trouvere (Bard)

Luna Danseuse (Dancer)

Begetter (Alchemist)

Light Bringer (Blacksmith)

Spirit Whisperer (Doran)

Novice Guardian (Super Novice)

What are your thoughts about the new 4th job classes? Share them below!