Nunu and Willump are warden-style junglers who excels at roaming from lane to lane, securing objectives, and protecting their allies. They also have have good sustain and is generally available for fights anywhere on the map at a moment’s notice.
How to Play Nunu and Willump

- Activate his passive so Nunu and Willump to gain cleave
- Consume can be used to sustain your HP in the lane or in the jungle
- You can use Consume to steal objectives such as Dragons from the enemies
- Use Biggest Snowball Ever to initiate a fight or a gank
- You can reactivate Biggest Snowball Ever to release it in a straight line
- Biggest Snowball Ever can also be used in clearing camps
- Biggest Snowball Ever can also be used as an escape tool
- Use Snowball Barrage to clear minion waves faster
- The longer you channel Absolute Zero, the higher damage it deals to enemy champions
- You can also surprise enemy champions by channeling Absolute Zero in the bush
- Nunu and Willump can efficiently gank as early as level 3

Passive / Call of the Frejlord: Gain 30% attack speed and 10% movement speed for 4 seconds upon damaging an enemy champion, large monster or structure. A nearby allied champion with the fastest attack speed gains half this bonus.
Skill 1 / Consume: Takes a bite out of the enemy, dealing magic damage and healing Nunu and Willump. The healing is increased by 50% when Nunu and Willump are below 50% maximum health. Deals true damage against minions and monster instead.
Skill 2 / Biggest Snowball Ever: Willump begins rolling a snowball that increases in size and speed over 12 seconds. The snowball explodes upon colliding with enemy champions, large monsters or terrain, dealing magic damage to enemies and knocking them airborne for 0.5 – 1.25 seconds, increasing with the size of snowball.
Skill 3 / Snowball Barrage: Channels for up to 2.5 seconds, throwing snowballs that deal magic damage and slow by 20% for 0.5 seconds. When the channel ends, Willump deals magic damage equal to a percentage of the enemies’ max health and roots them for 0.5 – 1.5 seconds. Damage and root duration scale with number of snowball hits on the target.
Skill 4 / Absolute Zero: Gains a shield that absorbs damage and begins channeling for up to 3 seconds. Nearby enemies are slowed by 50%, increasing to 95% over the duration. When the channel ends, nearby enemies take magic damage, increased with channel duration.
Item Build

Rod of Ages, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Mercury’s Stasis, Void Staff, Dead Man’s Plate, Liandry’s Torment

Sunfire Aegis, Dead Man’s Plate, Steel-Plated Stoneplate, Thornmail, Spirit Visage, Randuin’s Omen

- Phase Rush – Hitting a champion with 3 separate attacks or abilities in 4 seconds grants a large burst of movement speed and slow resistance.
- Brutal – Gain 7 AD and 2% armor penetration, or 14 AP and 2% magic penetration.
- Hunter Titan – Gain 20 max health. Unique champion takedowns grant 20 max health and 4% tenacity.
- Pathfinder – Gain 9% movement speed in brush, jungle, and river when out of combat.
- Smite
- Flash
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