Here are the notable changes from the Mobile Legends Bang Bang Patch 1.5.96. It features many equipment, hero adjusments a new marksman named Natan, and an exclusive event for him.
New Heroes

Natan is a marksman hero specializing in reap and dealing burst damage. You can check out my full guide on how to play this hero here:
New Events
Natan’s War
In this mode, the new hero Natan is available to play for free to all players. Natan’s war offer a more fast-paced 5v5 experience, where everyone plays as Natan and an master his skills quickly. In this mode, you can complete related quests to get coupons that can deduct diamonds for purchasing Natan.
Hero Adjustments
Karina (Buffed)
- Passive (Nerfed): Extra damage dealt on enemy’s HP lost: From 13% to 11%
- Skill 1 (Adjusted): Movement Speed Bosot from 35-50% to 45% for all levels
- Skill 2 (Buffed): Damage from 305-430 + 115% Magic Power to 375-600 + 125% Magic Power
Paquito (Adjusted)
- Passive (Adjusted): Basic attacks now can’t build stacks, but he can build stacks by using a skill without hitting any target.
- Max Stacks: From 4 to 3
- Ultimate Stacks: From 2 to 1
- Skill 2 (Adjusted): Cooldown from 6-4.5 seconds to 7.5 seconds. Base Damage from 200-500 + 120% Physical Damage to 150-450 + 150% Physical Attack. Enhanced Damage: Changed according to the same ratio as Base Damage
Phoveus (Buffed)
- Skill 1 (Buffed): Cooldown from 3.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds
- Ultimate (Buffed): Base Damage from 440-680 to 660-980
- Magic Power Bonus: 150% to 180%
Popol and Kupa (Adjusted)
- Attributes (Buffed): Base HP from 2325 to 2425
- Passive (Nerfed): HP inherited by Kuppa from 1300 + 80% Popol’s HP to 1300 + 70% of Popol’s HP
- Skill 2 (Adjusted): Extra Physical Attack Bonus for Shielded: 120% to 160%. In the Alpha Wolf Form, knock enemies airborne for 0.6 seconds to 0.4 seconds.
- Skill 3 (Nerfed): Trap charging time: 18-12 seconds to 22-16 seconds
Minotaur (Buffed)
- Passive (Buffed): Increased rage regenerated from hitting non-hero units with skills
- Ultimate (Buffed): Increased Rage regenerated by 10%.
Sun (Nerfed)
- Skill 1 (Nerfed): Cooldown from 10-7 seconds to 10 seconds. Ratio of Attributes inherited by the Doppelganger by 50% to 40-55%.
Lunox (Nerfed)
- Passive (Nerfed): Magic Penetration converted from every 1% of cooldown from 1.5% to 0.8%
- Defense converted from every 1% of cooldown from 2 to 1.2
Luo Yi (Buffed)
- Passive (Adjusted): Reaction Damage from 400 + 15* Hero Level to 365 + 20* Hero Level
- Ultimate (Buffed): Cooldown from 65-55 seconds to 55-45 seconds. Max Range from 18-28 to 20-28
Harley (Nerfed)
- Passive (Nerfed): Max Stacks of Magic Defense Reduction from 15 to 10
Yve (Nerfed)
- Ultimate (Nerfed): Shield from 500-900 + 150% Magic Power to 400-800 + 120% Magic Power. Immobilizing Effect Duration: 0.5 seconds to 0.3 seconds
Mathilda (Adjusted)
- Passive (Buffed): Enhanced basic attack’s base damage from 160-200
- Skill 1 (Nerfed): Base Damage from 460-660 to 435-685. Magic Power Bonus for Damage from 70% to 100%. Decay Ratio of Damage dealt to the same target: 35-45% to 35% for all levels
Balmond (Buffed)
- Skill 2 (Buffed): Cooldown from 7 seconds to 6 seconds
- Ultimate (Buffed): Cooldown from 32-24 seconds to 28-18 seconds
Benedetta (Nerfed)
- Attributes (Nerfed): Base HP from 2649 to 2569. Base Physical Defense from 20 to 18
XBorg (Nerfed)
- Skill 1 (Nerfed): Base Damage from 40-100 to 25-100
Zhask (Buffed)
- Ultimate (Buffed): Increase HP after enhancing Nightmaric Spawn from 500-2500 to 1000-3000
Tigreal (Nerfed)
- Skill 1 (Nerfed): Reduced its area of effect
Gloo (Nerfed)
- Ultimate (Nerfed): HP regen for second when split apart from 4-5% to 3-3.5%
Battle Adjustments
Equipment can now be sold at its original price within the first 15 seconds of the game
Encourage (Nerfed)
Physical Attack / Magic Power Increase from 15-38 to 13-33
Favor (Buffed)
Favor now will not be triggered when there is no ally nearby that needs to recover HP.
War Axe (Nerfed)
- Physical Attack from 55 to 46
- Attributes of each stack of effect: From 8 Physical Attack + 4 Physical Penetration to 9 Physical Attack + 3 Physical Penetration
- Stacked effects granted to Marksmen/Mages/Supports: From halved to reduced to 33%
Malefic Roar (Nerfed)
- Physical Penetration from 40% to 35%
Shadow Twinblades (Buffed)
Magic Power from 70 to 75
Genius Wand (Nerfed)
Magic Defense Reduction from 3-10 to 2-9
Divine Glaive (Nerfed)
Magic Penetration from 40% to 35%
Radiant Armor (Adjusted)
- Magic Damage Reduction from 4-11 to 3-10
- HP Boost from 800 to 950
Twilight Armor (Buffed)
Unique Passive – Defiance: Extra Damage from 4% of Max HP to 5% of Max HP
If you have question or clarifications regarding the current patch notes then you can share them below.
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