Home MOBA Mobile Legends News Mobile Legends: Bang Bang 1.5.88 Patch Notes

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang 1.5.88 Patch Notes

Mobile Legends Patch 1.5.88

Moonton released the patch on June 14, 2021, bringing in revamped heroes, nerfs, buffs, new items, skins and free champions on rotations.

They have also released the new roaming and jungling equipment. This update will help you choose equipment easily and provide you with an additional slot and more options to buy items so that heroes on each lane can better serve their purpose.

Below are the notable gameplay changes in the patch notes:

New items

War Axe

  • +55 Physical Attack, +550 HP, +10 CD Reduction
  • Unique Passive / Berserk: Enter a battle stance upon dealing damage to any unit. This increases the hero’s physical attack by 8 and physical penetration by 4 each second for 3 seconds, to a max of 8 stacks, at a full stacks movement speed will be increased by 20%. These effects are halved on marksman, mages, or supports equipped with it.

Shadow Twin Blade

  • +70 Magic Power, +15% Magic Lifesteal, +10% CD Reduction
  • Unique Passive / Assassination: If no damage is taken or dealth within 5 seconds, the next basic attack will deal extra magic damage equal to to 200 plus 50% of the hero’s magic power, and inflict a 60% slow effect upon the target for 1.5 seconds.

Radiant Armor

  • +800 HP, +52 Magic Defense, +12 HP Regen
  • Unique Passive / Holy Blessing: Increases magic damage reduction by 4-11 (scales with level) upon taking magic damage, lasting for 3 seconds and stacking up to 6.

New Roaming / Jungling Items

Jungling and Roaming Equipment was replaced with Jungling / Roaming Footwear: Movement and advanced effects from Jungling/Roaming Footwear are exactly the same as those from Common Footwear, all that has been added are Jungling/Roaming exclusive skills.

Players can buy one footwear item only. Players can buy one active equipment only. All footwear’s selling price should be 20% of its purchase price.

Jungling Footwear

  • Unique Passive / Hunter: After dealing a damage to a creep, they take 3 seconds of further sustained damage.

After purchasing the corresponding jungling footwear item, the original retribution skill will be upgraded when your kills/assists and the creeps you killed add up to 5.

  • Ice Retribution: Can be used against heroes, dealing a small amount of True Damage and stealing movement speed from the enemy over 3 seconds.
  • Flame Retribution: Can be used against heroes, dealing a small amount of True Damage and stealing physical attack and magic power from the enemy over 3 seconds.
  • Bloody Retribution: Can be used against heroes, dealing a small amount of True Damage and stealing HP from the enemy over 3 seconds.

Roaming Items

  • Unique Passive / Devotion: Stops you from sharing minion or creep rewards with teammates for the first 9 minutes.
  • Unique Passive / Thriving: The extra rewards gained from assists and the extra rewards gained when you have the least Gold/EXP remain unchanged.
  • New Effect: If you’re not the one with the least Gold/EXP on your team, grants a lesser amount Gold or EXP to the ally who is instead. Only one hero per team can enjoy thriving’s effect this time.
  • Unique Passive / Blessing: Once the total amount of Gold gained from Thriving reaches a set amount, a free advanced roaming skill (determined by Roaming footwear purchased) is automatically obtained. Gold can continue to be gained from Thriving to enhance this skills.

Purchase the corresponding Roaming Footwear Item and collect 600 Gold from assists or Roaming Equipment to unlock a skill. Continues to be enhanced until 1500 gold is gained from Roaming Equipment.

  • Conceal: The movement speed boost is greatly increased.
  • Encourage: Revamped it to be a passive and removed the movement speed boost.
  • Favor: New skill: At set intervals, the next time the hero casting a healing or shield skill, it also restores the HP for a nearby ally with the lowest HP. Skills that only affect the hero does not trigger this effect.
  • Dire Hit: New skill: At set intervals, the next time the hero damages a target, and leaves it below 35% HP, they’ll deal extra physical and magic damage equivalent to a proportion of the enemy’s max HP.

Revamped Heroes


Revamped Karina

Karina was revamped, strengthening her agility by buffing her passive, and changing her 1st and Ultimate Skill.

  • Passive (Shadow Combo) – Extra damage will be dealt to a target when they are hit 3 times. Triggering shadow combo at hero targets reduces the cooldown of Karina’s Skill 1 and Skill 2.
  • Skill 1 (Dance of Blades) – Karina keeps flourishing her twin blades to defend against all basic attacks as she increases her movement speed. She launches a spinning slash when hit by a close range basic attack, or throws a shadowblade at the attacker when hit by long-range. During the Dance of Blades state, Karina’s next basic attack will be enhanced, with which she can charge at the target and slow them down. This state ends when the enhanced basic attack or Shadow Assault is cast.
  • Ultimate (Shadow Assault) – This skill locks on to and charges at the target as before. but can now also summon a Shadowform that lingers behind it. Use skill again to quickly return to the Shadowform’s location. This skill also adds a Shadow Mark on enemies hit by her Shadow Assault, and its cooldown is reset when a target with a Shadow Mark dies.


Revamped Alpha
  • Passive (Beta, Advance!) – Each time Alpha uses a skill, he summons Beta to attack and mark the target, Beta will launch 3 laser strikes upon reaching 2 marks. Each of Beta’s first two laser strikes deals an amount of True Damage and briefly reduces the target’s movement speed, and the final one is an AOE attack that deals true damage.
  • Skill 2 (Force Swing) – After charging the skill for a while, He strikes forward in a fan-shaped area, dealing physical damage. Each hit restores health points. Beta then strafes the enemies within the area, dealing physical damage.
  • Ultimate (Alpha Charger!) – Alpha commands Beta to smash down at a set location, dealing physical damage and inflicting stun. At the same time, Alpha flies over to the area and deals physical damage to targets in his path, knocking them airborne toward his destination, and then smashing down to deal physical damage and slow them. After alpha smashes down, Beta launches 5 AoE strikes upon the target area, each dealing physical damage.


Revamped Minotaur

Minotaur now has new art assets that firs the image of this furious Minotaur better.

  • Passive (Rage Mode) – All his skill’s cooldown now reset whenever he enters the rage state.
  • Skill 2 (Motivation Roar) – Minotaur enhances his basic attacks for 5 seconds each time the skill is cast.


Revamped Sun

Sun has a new blink skill that allows him to confuse the enemy and escape from battle. Instantaneous Move’s damage is also increased.

  • Skill 1 (Endless Variety) – Sun hurls his Golden staff in a designated direction, dealing damage along its path and slowing them. Upon hitting heroes or creeps, it transforms into a doppelganger that pursues the enemy.
  • Skill 2 (Swift Exchange) – Sun hurls his staff in a designated direction, dealing damage to enemies along its path and slowing them. Sun will create a doppelganger to confuse the enemies, while he enters stealth and sends himself and his staff flying. When it reaches the destination, he catches it and reappears. Hitting an enemy hero on its path will end its fight and make Sun appear.
  • Skill 3 (Instantaneous Move) – Sun and his Doppelgangers launch an instantaneous attack against a designated enemy, dealing damage to the target and enemies behind it. Doppelgangers that are made by skill 1 and skill 2 will use this skill when Sun uses it. His doppelgangers are now smarter and they now inherit Sun’s current HP and show an HP bar identical to Sun’s.

Hero Adjustments

Argus (Adjusted)

  • Passive (Nerfed): Physical attack bonus for enhanced basic attacks from 100% to 80%.
  • Skill 2 (Buffed): Triggers a bleeding effect on creeps.
  • Skill 3 (Buffed): Reduced the cooldown by 5 seconds for all levels.

Zhask (Nerfed)

  • Skill 3 (Nerfed): Damage after the fifth swarm of Nightmaric Clone decays.
  • Ultimate (Adjusted): Slightly reduced basic attack’s damage after Nightmaric Spawn is enhanced. Increased Nightmaric Spawn’s base HP after it is enhanced. Fixed an issue where Nightmaric Spawn’s HP would be reset to full after it is enhanced.

Xborg (Buffed)

  • Skill 1 (Buffed): Base Damage from 30-100 to 40-100. Total Physical attack bonus for damage from 50% to 60%.
  • Ultimate (Buffed): Base Fire damage from 200-300 to 200-250. Extra physical attack bonus for fire damage from 100% to 130%.

Natalia (Buffed)

  • Attributes (Buffed): Base HP from 2589 to 2639
  • HP Growth: 154 to 164

Lunox (Buffed)

  • Skill 1 (Buffed): Lunox now deals additional damage to all enemy targets, which is equal to a proportion of their max HP.
  • Additional damage dealt to normal creeps: From 1.5%-3.5% of their max HP to 3%-7% of their max HP.

Esmeralda (Buffed)

  • Skill 2 (Buffed): Base damage of each hit from 210-410 to 240-440

Chang’e (Nerfed)

  • Skill 1 (Nerfed): From 300-500 to 300-450
  • Ultimate (Nerfed): Movement speed boost from 20% to 10%

Jawhead (Nerfed)

  • Skill 2 (Nerfed): Base Shield from 350-800 to 250-600
  • Total physical attack bonus for damage absorption of the shield from 140% to 180%

Battle Adjustments

Damage Calculation Adjustments

  • Minimum Physical/Magic Defense against enemy heroes from 0 to 60
  • When both percentage and fixed-value penetration are in effect, the algorithm will now prioritize the percentage before the fixed value
  • All heroes’ base damage magic defense is increased by 5
  • Magic penetration provided by Arcane Boots and Genius Wand from 15 to 12

Battle Spell Adjustments

  • Purify – New Effect: Removes Slow effects. Movement speed boost from 30% to 10%.
  • Sprint – Initial movement speed from 40% to 50%.

If you have question or clarifications regarding the current patch notes then you can share them below.

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