Home MOBA LOL Wild Rift Alpha Test, Gameplay and List of Initial Champions

LOL Wild Rift Alpha Test, Gameplay and List of Initial Champions

League of Legends Wild Rift Alpha Test

League of Legends fans has something to celebrate amidst this Covid 19 Pandemic as Riot announces that the Alpha Test for Wild Rift will begin on June 2020 for players residing in the Philippines and Brazil. On May 29, 2020, League of Legends: Wild Rift Youtube channel posted a gameplay reveal video of what we’re going to expect in the game and the plans they have in the future. They also announced the list of champions that will be included in the initial roster of the Alpha Test.

All of us have boarded the hype train when they posted an announcement trailer about the game last year. It has been a hot topic and everyone was asking about the release. Pre-registration started as early as October 2019 and there are speculations that it will be released in the latter part of 2020. Lucky as we are, the Alpha Test will start next week for us here in the Philippines and of course our neighbors in Brazil.

Note: Only a small number of pre-registered players will be randomly chosen and will have access to the Alpha Test.

In this article, I will share with you all the notable features and everything that you need to know regarding their announcement about the League of Legends: Wild Rift Alpha Test.

Alpha Test

The Alpha Test will run for 2 weeks exclusively for players in Brazil and The Philippines. The purpose of this Alpha Test is to get feedback from players on things that still can be improved on within the game. They also want to test their infrastructure capabilities to ensure that the game will run smoothly on your device, with no lags and free of cheaters.


In the video posted on Youtube, David Xu, Product Manager for champions on Wild Rift, announced the champions that made the cut for the Alpha roster. Here is the list of champions for the Alpha Test:

  • Ahri
  • Master Yi
  • Lux
  • Annie
  • Garen
  • Fiora
  • Vi
  • Blitzcrank
  • Camille
  • Jhin
  • Ezreal
  • Janna
  • Soraka
  • Nami
  • Nasus
  • Braum
  • Miss Fortune
  • Graves
  • Jinx
  • Alistar
  • Olaf
  • Gragas
  • Jax
  • Malphite
  • Shyvana
  • Aurelion Sol
  • Oriana
  • Fizz
  • Ashe
  • Tryndamere
  • Twisted Fate
  • Vayne
  • Xin Zhao
  • Zed
  • Yasuo
  • Ziggs

This is only the initial list and more champions will be added soon.

Some Champion Tweaks:

David Xu also tells us that some champion has some tweaks to accommodate the mobile gaming experience.

  • Nasus’ speed of getting stacks
  • Twisted Fate’s stack deck
  • Miss Fortune’s Double up will be a skill shot

But don’t worry, some champions like Janna have the same identical gameplay from PC.


Champion Select

Champion Select is almost identical to the PC version. You will still select summoner spells such as Flash, Sprint, Barrier, and a lot more. Smite will be different though and Recall will still be available.


They also tweaked the runes to accommodate the shorter game sessions on mobile. 8 Keystone Runes are available and you can pick 3 minor runes that you can add to your choice. They also added runes that are unique to Wild Rift such as Sweet Tooth and Loyalty.

  • Sweet Tooth – Grants you gold when you eat honey fruit
  • Loyalty – Gives you and your ally champion shield when you are close to one another


The map is almost identical to the PC version. A spawning platform, 3 Lanes, and a Nexus that you need to destroy. The map is also mirrored, wherein your base will always be on the lower part of the map.


For jungle players out there, here is some information on the buffs you can get while jungling in Wild Rift.

  • Red Brambleback – Extra Damage
  • Evolved Red Brambleback – Late Game Damage
  • Blue Sentinel – HP / Mana Regen
  • Evolved Blue Sentinel – Late Game Regeneration
  • Scryers Bloom – Provides vision on the enemy
  • Honeyfruit – Recovers HP
  • Blastcone – Knocks away all nearby units
  • Dragon and Elder Dragons


One thing that I’m excited about the game is the warding. In the video they posted, it is revealed that you can light up the map and provide vision by using wards.


Of course, your favorite hiding spot will still be in the game.

Gameplay Duration

It is revealed that the duration of the matches will be shortened to 15-20 minutes.

It will still has the gameplay that you are experiencing in the PC version such as last hitting, ganks, dragon buff clash, and team fights.

Smite Spell

Within the game, you can choose to have whether the challenging smite or chilling smite after finishing four major jungle camps.


Items can be only be bought in the fountain unlike some other mobile MOBA and some of the items in the PC version can be seen within the game. They also added an item for tanks called Fimble Winter wherein you’ll get a shield when you crowd control. Active items are also available in Wild Rift but each player can only purchase one. These active items can be bought as upgrades from boots.

Game Modes

Game modes available in the Alpha Test are 5v5, CO-OP vs AI and Tutorials.


Alpha players can test the rank game and system.

Champions and Skins

The good news is that you can get champions for free but you can also use real money to buy one. In the video, they also showed a preview of skins that we’re going to expect within the game.

That’s all you need to know about the Alpha Test coming next week. The question is, have you pre-registered? And if you do, what are your expectations? Share your thoughts below!

If you still haven’t pre-registered then you can visit the website of League of Legends: Wild Rift.

To watch the whole video of the Gameplay reveal then you can visit their Youtube Channel. They also posted a FAQ post on Facebook if you have some clarifications. Hoping to see you soon in the game!

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