Season 20 of Axie Infinity started yesterday, February 9, 2022, and it brought important economic balancing, changes, and adjustments. This season will last for 6 weeks from February 9, 2022, 10:00 AM to March 22, 2022, 10:00 AM CET.
Key Changes
- MMR has been reset and everyone starts at 1200
- PVP 20 is live with over $7M in AXS rewards
- Daily Quest and Adventure Mode SLP has been removed
- SLP rewards have been reduced at certain MMR brackets and trainers under 800 MMR will now receive 1 SLP per win.
- The leaderboard prize pool and the number of winners have been expanded dramatically.
No more Rewards in Adventure Mode and Daily Quest
SLP rewards from Adventure Mode and Daily Quest (25 SLP) have been removed as a first measure to stabilize the economy. This includes the SLP rewards for first-time completion (Ruin 21 and 36).
New AXS Leaderboard Rewards
To supercharge the competitive Axie scene and create more demand for quality Axie teams, they have expanded the number of leaderboard slots to 300,000 and increased the amount of AXS they are giving to 117,676. This will equate to a seven million USD equivalent prize pool for season 20.
New MMR Bracket and SLP Rewards
They’ve also revised the amount of SLP per win at various MMR brackets and the good news is, they’ve brought back 1 SLP per win for players under 800 MMR.
- 0-999 -> 1 SLP per win
- 1000-1099 -> 3 SLP per win
- 1100-1299 -> 5-6 SLP per win
- 1300-1499 -> 9-6 SLP per win
- 1500-1799 -> 12-8 SLP per win
- 1800-1999 -> 15-10 SLP per win
- 2000-2499 -> 18-12 SLP per win
Linear Energy Gain
They are also considering making the energy scale more linearly for Axies held on an account and they will look at new data generated by season 20 to help them explore more this idea.