Home Crypto Games Axie Infinity Axie Infinity Beginner’s Guide to Playing and Earning Money

Axie Infinity Beginner’s Guide to Playing and Earning Money

Axie Infinity Beginner's Guide

I have known Axie Infinity since July 2020 when players are not that many and axies are not that expensive. My friend introduced it to me and asked if I want to play and told me “Do you want to earn money by simply playing a mobile game?”, sadly I declined due my current schedule and told him I won’t be able to give time to grinding.

Fast forward to the present when the player count increased drastically and the game was more famous than ever before, I decided to give it a shot and applied for a scholarship. On my first day of playing, I was able to farm 201 SLPs (1 SLP is equivalent to $0.088 as of writing). Was it easy? The answer would be probably Yes and No. Yes because the game is easy to understand and at the same time No, since you really need to grind and a lot time for it.

I know many of you are trying to figure out how this works and how you can start. Fortunately for you it is quite easy and this article would cover everything a beginner needs to know about the game.

What is Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity is a pokemon inspired Ethereum game with play to earn mechanics where you form a team of Axies to battle and collect SLPs. You can also raise, breed and trade these same Axies.

How to Start Playing Axie Infinity

First you need to download their app in their official website. For you to be able to start a game, you need 3 Axies to form a team. Axies are your fantasy creatures that can battle, collect and raise. Each of the Axie’s has its own different characteristics that determines their role in the battle.

Axies come with a price, and you need to buy them in the marketplace. The lowest price I’ve checked as of writing is $66.

Yes, I know that it is not cheap and it would be difficult to start when you don’t have much money. Fortunately for you, there are scholarship Programs where players who owns extra Axies can lend it to some players who wants to start without spending a dime. The catch is the player who lended you these axies would get a cut to your earnings, which I think is fair.

How does this Scholarship works? It is very simple actually. They create a new account with 3 Axies on board, give you the login info and you are good to go.

You can check out some of the Scholarships here: Axie Scholarship Program
You can also join the Axie Infinity Discord Server, and message these lenders personally.

If you want to start and buy an Axie for yourself, you can check out this guide: Manage Your Account With Trust Wallet

How to Earn Money By Playing Axie Infinity

There are many ways in which you can earn in this game. The most common one is to collect SLPs (Small Love Potion) that can be earned by finishing daily quests and battling in Adventure and Arena. These Small Love Potions can be sold via secondary Markets depending on its current price.

Once you earn enough and wants to cash out, you can sync them to your wallet, trade your SLPs to Ethereum then Ethereum to PHP. You can watch the video below on how to do it.

Player also earn by breeding this Axies and selling them on market.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Now that you’re on board. It’s now time to proceed to the real deal, which is the the gampeplay itself.

The Battle System is a turn-based card game where you need to eliminate all Axies of your enemies. Every turn, you need to strategically use your cards to ensure victory.

Axie Infinity Best Team

There is an allotted energy for you to play these modes and once they ran out, you need to wait for it be recharged for you to be able to play again.


You need to complete quest so you can level up your Axies and earn some SLP along the way. Beginner’s should focus on this first before spending their energy on Arenas.

Player vs Player

You’ll battle agianst other players with their own set of Axies. This is where the real ordeal will begin as you need to think and strategise every move so you an win.

You also get more SLP the higher you go up in the rank leaderbords.

The battle may look simple but it has complexity on it. Axies has different classes and stats that make the game unpredictable. Each class is weak and strong against other classes. You also need to be mindful of all the kinds of attacks that your Axie has, its effect and bonuses.

Though losing is part of the game, winning almost every match is imperative to secure more SLPs and climb up the leaderboards. You can check out these advance guides that can help you achieve this feat.

Axie Infinity has really helped a lot of people during this Pandemic in the Philippines and for some, it became a living. I expect this game to grow more, especially with the kind of community this game has, who is very helpful to one another especially the newbies. I’m very excited to see what the game has to offer more in the long run.

That’s is all you need to know so for about the game so far. If you have questions or clarifications then don’t be shy to share them below or visit Axie Inifinity’s Official Website.

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