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How to Get Rare Candy in Pokemon Fire Red – Cheats and Locations

Pokemon Fire Red

In the Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen games, Rare Candy is a type of item that can be used to instantly increase the level of a Pokémon by one. It can be found in various locations throughout the game, such as in hidden areas.

Using a Rare Candy on a Pokémon will cause it to gain one level, regardless of its current experience level or the amount of experience it has earned. This can be useful for quickly leveling up a Pokémon, especially if you are trying to catch up to the levels of your opponent’s Pokémon in a battle.

Ways to get Rare Candy in Pokemon Fire Red

There are two ways to obtain rare candy in Pokemon Fire Red:

Hidden Locations

Rare Candy can be found in hidden locations throughout the game world, such as in hidden corners or behind trees or bushes. You will need to explore the game and pay attention to your surroundings to find these hidden Rare Candy.

Cheat Codes

You can use cheat codes or action replay devices to obtain Rare Candy in Pokémon FireRed. However, be aware that using cheat codes can affect your game progress.

Where to Find Rare Candy in Pokemon Fire Red

Rare Candy can be found in various locations throughout the game world of Pokémon FireRed. Here are a few possible locations where you may be able to find Rare Candy:

  • Mt. Moon
  • Behind Cerulean City House
  • Pokemon Tower
  • Rocket Hideout
  • Warden’s House
  • Victory Road
  • Lost Cave (Island Five)
  • Cape Brink (Island Two)
  • Behind a Ledge Before Rock Tunnel
  • Route 6
  • Route 12 below fisherman’s house
  • Cycling Road
  • Silph Co. Floor 10
  • Pokemon Mansion 3rd Floor
  • Bring Selphy a Pokemon and hope she gives you a Rare Candy (Five Island)

Cheat Codes to get Rare Candies

It is possible to use cheat codes to obtain Rare Candy in Pokémon FireRed. Again, it is important to remember that cheat codes can affect your game progress and can cause it to crash. It is also possible to get your save file corrupted so use it at your own risk.

If you still wish to use cheat codes to obtain Rare Candy in Pokémon FireRed, here are a few options:

Master Code: 83005000 61A1

Rare Candy Code: 820258400044

If you are using a code breaker then you can disregard the Master Code and just put the rare candy code directly. After using it, you can find the rare candies on your PC.

How to Use Codes

Make sure that you turn off codes that you have activated earlier and save your game. Add the CodeBreaker code as follows:

  • Code Name: Rare Candy (You can choose whatever name you want)
  • Code Type: CodeBreaker
  • Code: 820258400044

Go to a Pokestop and deactivate your code. Open PC > Item Storage and you can see your rare candy there.


Rare Candy is not always necessary to progress through the game. It can be a helpful tool, but it is not essential to completing the game or catching all of the Pokémon. It is important to use Rare Candy wisely, as it can be a scarce resource and may not always be available when you need it.

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