Home MOBA Mobile Legends Guide Chang’e Mobile Legends Build

Chang’e Mobile Legends Build

Chang'e Mobile Legends Build Guide

Chang’e is a mage hero specializing in poking and dealing burst DPS damage. She can easily clear minion waves making him a good offensive and defensive ally. She is quite easy to use making her a suitable hero for beginners.

Disclaimer: I’m just a casual gamer and not a pro. I just want to share with you things that works very well for me when playing this hero.


Chang'e Mobile Legends Skill

Passive / Trouble Maker: Every time Chang’e deals damage to enemies, she will leave a mark on them and her next skill damage dealth to those with marks will increase by 2% up to 40%.

Skill 1 / Starmoon Shockwave: Chang’e Sends an energy ball forward, dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing them down by 20% for 1.5 seconds.

Crescent Moon: Sends 4 energy balls alongside Chang’e, each deals 20% of Chang’e’s damage dealt and slows enemies.

Skill 2 / Crescent Moon: Chang’e summons a Crescent Moon that shines a blessing upon herself, gaining a shield and 15% extra movement speed. While the shield is active, her skills and basic attacks are enhanced.

Enhanced basic attack: Each time Chang’e performs a basic attack, the Crescent Moon will deal magic damage to the target as well.

Skill 3 / Meteor Shower: Chang’e gathers strength and increases her movement speed by 20% for 4 seconds. Meanwhile, she launches 30 meteors forward, each deals magic damage.

Crescent Moon: Crescent Moon will cast meteors together with Chang’e, each deals 33% of Chang’e’s damage.

Skill Upgrade Priority


Best Item Build for Chang’e

Chang'e Mobile Legends Build 1

Magic Shoes, Ice Queen Wand, Enchanted Talisman, Glowing Wand, Holy Crystal, Divine Glaive

Emblem for Chang’e


  • Agility – +2% Movement SPD/Level
  • Observation – +2 Magical PEN/Level
  • Mystery Shop – Reduce the gold cost of gears to 90%.

Spell for Chang’e

  • Purify – Use this if there are a lot of crowd control in the enemy side
  • Flameshot – This works well with Chang’e’s long range abilities
  • Flicker – This is very helpful since Chang’e is not very mobile

Other Tips

  • Poke enemies with your 1st skill
  • It is better to use your 2nd skill first before using any skills or basic attacks
  • You can also use her 2nd skill to boost your movement speed
  • You can clear minion waves faster with your Ultimate
  • You can also steal enemy camps buff by using your Ultimate
  • Your Ultimate also can reveal enemies in the bush
  • Chang’e is very squishy and doesn’t have any escaping abilities so be wary of your positioning
  • Always stay behind your tank to ensure survivability
  • Use basic attacks whenever your skills are in cooldown as it also deals huge damage
  • Skill Combo: 2nd Skill > 1st Skill > 3rd Skill (Ultimate)

That’s all for the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Chang’e Guide! If you have questions, suggestions or recommendations, you can share them below.

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