Home Crypto Games Axie Infinity Axie Infinity: Origin – Beginner’s Guide on How To Play

Axie Infinity: Origin – Beginner’s Guide on How To Play

Axie Infinity Origin Battles V3 How to Play guide

Axie Infinity: Origin (Battles V3) is the new version of the game Axie Infinity that features brand new UI, game mechanics, arts, effects, lore, storylines, and a lot more. It is currently on Early Access there are still incoming upgrades over the coming weeks and months.

Some of the new notable features include the Sequential turns where players now take turns using their cards compared to the old one where they choose them simultaneously at the beginning of a round. Other notable changes are the Energy and Cards Reset every turn, Card Changes, New Cards, Power-Ups, Critical Hits, and the introduction of Starter Axies which we will be tackling later on in this article.

Take note that the game is on Alpha Stage so all progress made and resources collected in this early access will reset after the Alpha period ends. Also expect bugs that are common to games that are in the early Alpha stages.

Table of Contents

How to Play Axie Infinity: Origin (Battles V3)

As of writing, the game is only available on Mavis Hub and is not yet accessible on mobile. To download the game on your PC, you can to welcome.skymavis.com/download. Install the game afterward and log in using existing Marketplace accounts that have been migrated over to the new Sky Mavis account system.

To sync your current NFT Axies in Origin just click “Axie” and then press the “Sync” button on the upper right just like what you do on V2.

If you are new and don’t have an account then just click the ‘Create new account’ on the login screen to create a new Sky Mavis Account. Your new account will have Free Starter Axies but take note that these are not NFTs. If you want to purchase your first blockchain Axie, then you need to create a Ronin Wallet, have some ETH on the same wallet, login to Axie Infinity Marketplace, and link your wallet then you’re now ready to buy your first Axies.

New Features

Sequential Turns

Unlike in Version 2 where you choose cards simultaneously at the beginning of the round, in Version 3, Opponents will now take turns using their cards and Axies will now execute their moves immediately as cards are played.

Energy and Cards are now Reset each turn

Cards and Energy that are not used in a turn will no longer accumulate in the next turns by default during battle. This means that you will not gain any advantage or incentive when you skip turns and do not use your energy/cards.

The reasonfor this is that there will be many new mechanics around energy and card gain that will require strategic decision-making in the game.

Changes in Cards/Abilities and New Cards

Fortunately, most of the cards that we know in V2 are carried over to Axie Infinity: Origin. The only catch is that most of those cards will now be played differently as they now only have either an attack or defense value compared to V2 where they have both. Most of them also have different described abilities

There are also new types of cards/abilities to play in the game and they’ve also introduced new parts of the Axie such as Ears and Eyes. So as a result players will now have six abilities to leverage per Axie compared to V2 where each Axie only has four skills.

You can check out all the cards in Axie Infinity: Origin here.

Power-Ups such as Charms and Runes

Another game changing-feature in the game is the Charms and Runes. These power-ups will be equipped to your Axies and will give them various buffs. To differentiate them both, Charms are wearable items that will enhance your Axie’s abilities while Runes give new passive buffs and powers to your Axies.

How do you get Runes and Charms in the game?

The only way to get Runes and Charms is through Crafting and to craft these power-ups, you need to farm and earn off-chain resources called Moonshards and these can be acquired by winning battles. Non-NFT Runes and Charms will only require Moonshards to craft while NFT Runes and Charms will require both SLP and Moonshards to craft.

Take note that Crafting is not yet available in the Alpha Stage. You can check out all the Runes and Charms in Axie Infinity: Origin here.

Changes in Critical Hits

It seems like the voice of the Axie Community has been heard, as the controversial critical hits that have been the most common frustration of the players have been removed in the game. It is now replaced with a new Rage System that your Axies accumulate over the course of the battle.


Axies in Origin only have hit points (HP) in their stats now as they move towards a fast-paced turn-based game.

Starting Your Origin Journey

As I have said earlier, you will be given non-NFT starter Axies and can even get more as they progress in the PvE Adventure Mode. For old players, they can now immediately use their NFT Axies that they are currently using in V2 and head straight to PVP/Arena as well.


Adventure is the PVE Mode in Origin where you battle waves of monsters/Chimeras, level up your Axies, and collect rewards. The Adventure mode comprises different chapters that has 7 big stages and 12 small stages.


Your favorite Axies will sometimes collect valuable rewards on their adventures and it will be placed in the Foraging Box. Resources like EXP and Moon Shards can be gained from this box and the higher stars you have the better rewards that you’ll get in your Foraging Box.

Milestone Reward

If you earn enough stars in the Adventure Mode then you can collect Milestone Rewards that are very valuable but can only be claimed once.


There are currently 3 modes in Arena in Origin and they are Practice Mode, Ranked Mode, and Tournament Mode.

Practice Mode

If you want to be sure and don’t want to go into the war without any weapon then you can go straight first to the Practice Mode. This mode will not affect your ranking and you can play unlimited practice matches every day. 1 EXP is earned for every win you get in a match.

Ranked Mode

Ranked games have the same battle system as Practice Mode + the ranking system. Ranks are divided into 8 Ranks and each is divided into 4 tiers. Successfully going beyond this rank will put you in the Challenger Sphere.

To climb up the rank leaderboards, you obviously need to win games and collect Victory Stars. You get +2 Stars for winning, +0 when it’s a draw, and -1 when you lose. You can also get bonus victory stars in many ways. One is having a winning streak of 3 more wherein you’ll have an extra 1 Victory Star (only applicable to rank Bear and below) and the other one is by finishing a previous season at a higher rank.

Players who reach the Rank of Dragon I and higher will be entered into the Challenger Sphere and have their names appear on the Leaderboard.

The Sphere doesn’t have tiers as players are stacked ranked from 1st, 2nd, and so on based on the amount of Victory Stars they have.

Ranks are reset to Egg IV at the start of a new season and their victory stars will be reduced to 0.

Terminologies in Rank that you need to know

  • Rank – A player’s Challenger Sphere rank is determined by the number of Victory Stars that they have collected from Challenger Sphere wins.
  • Ties – If two players have an equal number of Stars, then the win rate will be used as a first tie-breaker, followed by the total number of Stars collected, then the time required to reach the highest Star rank.
  • Upsets – If a lower-ranked player beats a higher-ranked player, the lower-ranked player receives a Victory Star bonus while the higher-ranked player incurs a Victory Star penalty.
  • Dropping Out – If a Challenger Sphere player reaches 0 Victory Stars and then loses their next match, they will be removed from both the Challenger Sphere and the Leaderboard.

How Bonuses and Upsets are Calculated


This will be held after the initial Alpha launch of Origin.

Stamina(Energy) and Ronin Spirit


The previous “Energy” in V2 is now coined as “Stamina” in V3. The number of stamina that you will have is determined by the total of starter and NFT Axies that you have. Stamina is capped at 60 as well. The computation for how much Stamina you will have in the game is as follows:

Stamina = 0.5 x Number of Starter Axies + 3 x Numebr of Personal Axies.

So say for example you have 9 NFT Axies and 4 Starter Axies then you will have 29 Stamina to use in the game. Each Ranked match will cost you 1 Stamina but you can also play a rank match without it but you won’t be gaining any SLP.

Ronin Spirit (SLP Gain)

Ronin Spirit will now determine how much SLP you’ll gain per win. It has 4 levels and is based on how many NFT Axies you have in your team. For example, if your team is comprised of 3 Personal Axies, then your Ronin Spirit’s level is III.

Seasons and Rewards

Ranked Modes last for over 2 months and take place over different seasons. It also has a one-month break in-between seasons. You can have 2 types of rewards for each Season and they are as follows;

  • First-time Rewards – You can get these rewards every time you are promoted to a new Rank or Tier
  • End-of-Season Rewards – Received at the end of each season.

All information and images are from Axie Infinity.

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