Home MOBA Wild Rift Rank Reset Guide and Info

Wild Rift Rank Reset Guide and Info


In the dynamic world of “League of Legends: Wild Rift,” the rank reset marks a pivotal moment for players. This periodic reset is not just a routine update; it’s a significant event that reshapes the competitive landscape. It offers a fresh start, challenging players to prove their skills anew. However, this reset often comes with its complexities and nuances, leading to a mix of anticipation and confusion within the community.

Understanding the Rank Reset Process

The rank reset in Wild Rift is designed to recalibrate the rankings at the end of a season. The idea is to create a level playing field where players can strive for higher ranks based on their current skill level. However, the process isn’t always straightforward. Players have reported discrepancies between their expected and actual ranks post-reset. For instance, a player anticipating a reset to Platinum III might find themselves in Platinum IV. Such instances highlight a gap between player expectations and the actual reset mechanics.

The Impact of a New Rank Introduction

Complicating matters further is the introduction of new ranks. A new rank at the top tier effectively pushes every other rank down a notch. This adjustment, seemingly minor, has significant ripple effects throughout the ranking system. Players who are unaware of this change might find their new ranks puzzling, leading to discussions and speculations in the community.

Experiences Post-Reset: Confusion and Clarifications

The aftermath of a rank reset often sees a flurry of player reactions. Some adapt quickly, while others grapple with understanding their new standings. For example, a player who was at Diamond 2 before the reset might start the new season at Platinum 1, contrary to their expectations. These varied experiences underline the need for clear communication and comprehensive guidelines from the game developers.

Official Resources and Support

For accurate information and guidance, players are encouraged to refer to Riot Games’ official Wild Rift support pages. These resources provide detailed explanations of the rank reset process, including what players can expect at the end of each season. Accessing these official channels can help dispel myths and provide clarity, ensuring players are well-informed about the changes and how they affect their gameplay.


The rank reset in Wild Rift is a complex yet integral part of the game’s competitive cycle. While it brings its share of challenges and confusions, it also opens doors to new opportunities and growth for players. By staying informed through official channels and adapting to the changes, players can navigate the rank reset effectively and continue to enjoy the thrill and competitiveness of Wild Rift.

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