Home MOBA Wild Rift News Wild Rift Patch 2.2A – New Champion Rammus and Events

Wild Rift Patch 2.2A – New Champion Rammus and Events

Wild Rift Patch 2-2A

In Patch 2.2A, we welcome the Armodillo Rammus, though he will be fully available on April 22 at 0:01 UTC. Arriving with Rammus is a set of new skins, events, 120 FPS Support, changes to turret system and the usual champion changes.

Notable Changes

New Champion


Rammus Wild Rift Abilities
Image from League of Legends: Wild Rift

Rammus’ Abilities

Rolling Armadillo: While out of combat, Rammus gains 60 movement speed and increased to 180 during Powerball. Exit combat after not taking damage or using abilities for 5 seconds.

Powerball: Enables Rolling Armadillo and accelerates up to 180 bonus movement speed over 6 seconds. Colliding with an enemy deals magic damage in an area, knocking back and slowing enemies by 70% for 1 second. Activating cancels Defensive Curl Ball and puts it on cooldown.

Defensive Curl Ball: Spiked Shell: Attack deals bonus magic damage.

Active: Brace up for up to 6 seconds, slowing Rammus by 30% while gaining armor and magic resist. While curled Spiked Shell deals 50% more damage and also applies to enemies that attack Rammus.\

Activating cancels Powerball and puts it on cooldown.

Frenzying Taunt: Taunts an enemy champion or monster for 2 seconds and gain 80% attack speed for 5 seconds.

Soaring Slam: Hop into the air and slam down, dealing magic damage and creating aftershocks for 4 seconds. Aftershocks deals magic damage every second and slows enemies incrementally by 16%, stacking up to 80%. Soaring slam’s range increases with movement speed.

Aftershock damages structures.

New Events


This is an event to introduce you to the world of Stargazers. You can complete missions to unlock Blue Motes and accessories throughout the event which will begin on April 15 run until the end of April.

120 FPS Support

They added the 120 FPS option to the following high end devices:

  • OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro, Google Pixel 5, ASUS ROG Phone 2, Razer Phone 2

Take note this 120 FPS Support is still in testing.

Game System Changes


  • During the first 4 minutes, Solo and Mid lane outer turrets gain 90 bonus armor and magic resist.
  • During the first 4 minutes, all outer turrets gain additional defensive bonuses when multiple enemies are nearby:
  • 2 champions in total: 10 Armor and Magic Resist
  • 3 champions in total: 100 → 250 Armor and Magic Resist
  • 4 champions in total: 200 → 300 Armor and Magic Resist
  • 5 champions in total: 300 → 350 Armor and Magic Resist

Other Changes

  • New Skins
  • New Accessories
  • Champion Changes
  • Item Changes

For more information about these patch you can visit League of Legends Wild Rift.

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