Home MOBA Wild Rift News Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Important Changes

Wild Rift Patch 2.2 Important Changes

Wild Rift Patch 2-2 Summary

New Heroes and features are coming in the Wild Rift Universe alongside the opening of the Americas, Hongkong and Macau servers.

Besides these, there are also new items, skins, hero changes and events that will makes this patch a monstrous one. They also added a new feature making it easy for new players to play and download the game.

New Champion


Galio’s Abilities

Colossal Smash – Enhances his next attack to deal magic damage to nearby enemies

Winds of War – Fires two windblasts that deal magic damage and converge into a tornado. The tornado deals magic damage equal to 8% of target’s maximum health over 1.5 seconds.

Shield of Durand – Passive: Every 12 seconds, upon taking damage, Galio gains a shield that absorbs magic damage for 3.5 seconds. Hold: Enters a defensive stance, slowing himself by 25% for up to 2 seconds. Takes 25% reduced magic damage and 12.5% reduced physical damage. Release: Deals 40% magic damage to nearby enemies and taunts them for 0.5-1.5 seconds, increased hold time.

Justice Punch – Dashes forward until he hits an enemy champion or terrain, dealing magic damage to enemies and knocking them up for 0.75 seconds.

Hero’s Entrance – Grants Shield of Durand’s passive shield for 3.5 seconds to all allied champions near the target and designates the position as his landing spot. After 2.5 seconds, Galio arrives at the location, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies and knocking them up for 0.75 seconds.

New Features

Position Preference (In Testing)

Solo players won’t be having any problems anymore when they go solo in rank games as Position preference allows you to order your preferred positions (solo lane, jungle, mid lane, duo lane, support) from most to least preferred, and the matchmaking system will prioritize giving you one of your top positions a majority of the time.

Once the champion selection begins, you’ll see what position you are assigned with.

Things to take note with Position Preference on this patch:

  • The queue will not impact ranked progression
  • We’ll be running an ongoing event called Position Lab, which will give you some extra Blue Motes for each day you play
  • They will evaluate whether the Position Preference is ready to roll out and if not, they will take it back into development for more adjusting

ARAM (In Testing)

All Random All Mid is the same as the PC Version. it will be available for a limited time.

ARAM is a PVP game played in the Howling Abyss where players are not are not given the ability to choose their champion and fight in the Single Lane Howling Abyss. The objective is the same where you need to destroy the enemy Nexus on the other side.

It features two new spells, Mark/Dash and Clarity. The game objective is to destroy enemy Nexus in the other side.

On April 5, they will be running a small three day test of this mode to ensure everything is working properly. It will be available from April 15 to May 19.

This is still in development, so some features are not fuly supported.

New Players

For new players who wants to play the game, you can now download a small chunk of the game while downloading the rest in the background.

New players will go straight into tutorials and after that, there will be a small interactive experience to learn about the featured champs. You can skip this if you already know how to play the game.

New players will also have a designated champ pool instead of the standard free-to-play champion rotation to give them a taste of different roles and playstyles.

These heroes are: Braum, Ezreal, Fiora, Graves, Lux, Malphite, Miss Fortune, Sona, Xin Zhao and Zed

After they hit level 7, they will rejoin the standard free-to-play champion hero pool.

Ranked Season 2

Season 2 will start on March 29 and when you reach Gold with 10 wins or more, you will be given the Glorious Jinx skin with Jinx herself if you don’t own it yet.

Wild Pass

Wild Pass is a way to earn more content just by playing. You can also choose to upgrade this to obtain new rewards. When you reach the end of the Pass which is level 50, you will get an exclusive skin: Hexplorer Jax.

But it doesn’t stop there, you can still level up beyond 50 and get extra rewards.


Added 3 new pings for better team coordination.

  • Enemy has vision here
  • Group
  • Enemy Missing


There will be new items and changes to old one. New items includes Winged Moonplate, Force of Nature, and Frozen Heart. You can read more about the item changes here: Patch 2.2 Item Preview.

New Items

  • Force of Nature: Force of Nature will be replacing Adaptive Helm as the go-to Magic Resist item
  • Frozen Heart: Use Frozen Heart’s aura to reduce nearby enemies’ Attack Speed and defend your team.
  • Winged Moonplate: Winged Moonplate is the new component item for Dead Man’s Plate

Item Changes

  • Sapphire Crystal: It has Mana Charge passive so you can start stacking up your Tear of the Goddess earlier
  • Winter’s Approach and Fimbulwinter: These two items are reworked to become the Health/Mana/Ability Haste item
  • Also received some changes are Tear of the Goddess, Manamune and Muramana, Sheen, Lich Bane, Trinity Force, Iceborn Gauntlet and a lot more.


New skins will also be available in this patch.

  • Corgi Corki
  • Debonair Galio
  • Draven Draven
  • Fuzz Fizz
  • Infernal Galio
  • Surprise Party Amumu
  • Glorious Jinx
  • Hexplorer Jax
  • Academy Ahri
  • iBlitzcrank
  • Marauder Olaf

Wild Rift Journey

This event will start if you complete the event for new players, which is Wild Rift Academy.

Other Changes

  • 120HZ Support (In Testing)
  • New Languages (Brazilian Portuguese, Latin American Spanish, Arabic)
  • Attack Speed System
  • Ghost Spell adjusted to be similar in the PC Version
  • Ignite’s cast range was scaled back
  • Invite notifications are no longer a giant full-screen takeover
  • You can now share your achievements and Wild Pass rewards to Facebook or download the image directly
  • Added new graphics presets: Performance, Graphics, and Custom.

That’s all for now for Patch 2.2. For more information you can visit League of Legends: Wild Rift.

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