Home MOBA Wild Rift News Wild Rift Patch 2.1 Brings in Spectator Mode and 2 New Champions

Wild Rift Patch 2.1 Brings in Spectator Mode and 2 New Champions


The much awaited spectator mode has arrived via Patch 2.1 and it also come with some new exciting features such as access to replays, new champions and many more.

Aside from 2.1, they will also be adding 2.1A, 2.1B and 2.1C patches that will cover the balance adjustment, fixes and the arrival of champions such as Katarina, Leona, Diana and Pantheon.


First would be the replay feature wherein you can now sit back and watch your recent 50 matches. It features a new HUD, where it shows both team items, spells and many more.

With this, you can now relive your plays and at the same time learning from it and improving.

Spectator Mode

Second would be the Spectator mode, were you are able to watch spectate your friends matches and custom games.

But here’s the catch of course, spectating a matchmade game features a three minute delay to avoid the obvious which game sniping and spoiling. While spectating a custom game doesn’t have any delay and has three spectator slots.

This is very big especially that there already orgs and big personalities like Sh1nboo who is hosting underground tournaments. Having this spectator mode will give them opportunities to cast games the with ease.

Reminders for this feature:

  • If you want to spectate someone’s game, you must be friends with them
  • If you want to spectate someone’s game, you must have the same version of the game
  • You can also turn off this feature if you don’t want anyone watching your game
  • When spectating, the map will always be oriented with Baron Lane at the top and Dragon Lane at the bottom.

Hopefully this is the first step from having official tournaments soon.

New Champions

Lovers Xayah and Rakan, will be available in this patch. Expect them to see expressing their love to another in the bot lane in the days to come.

Who isn’t excited about new Champions? I bet no one. I’m glad Wild Rift doesn’t hold back when it comes to this part, as I see no reason why they have to delay this kind of things.

Lunar Beast Event

The Lunar Beast Event is very straightforward. The goal is to complete mission in order to level up your Lunar Relics. These missions and relics will grant you rewards such as the Golden Ox Icon, Lunar Tibbers Icon, Skins and Poses.

Other New Features

Ping Display

You can now see the exact latency in game.

Portrait Lock

Added the ability to choose order in which enemies appear using portrait lock.

In-game chat

The in-game chat settings have been updated. All / Team / Off is now All / Team / Party. The new Party setting allows for premade party chat while hiding chat from other team members.

Summoner spell tiers

You can now see how long spell casts like Barrier and Ghost will be active.

Smite Indicator

Added a visual indicator to indicate reduced gold from minions if using the Smite summoner spell.

Gameplay Changes

Hand of Baron

When champions with Hand of Baron buff leave minion vicinity, buff linger duration reduced from 10 → 5 seconds

Rift Scutler

Rift Scuttlers now spawn similarly to League PC. At the start of the game, two Rift Scuttlers spawn (one on each side of the map), then one Scuttler on either side is randomly spawned thereafter.

New Skins

New skins such as Lunar Beast Alistar, Lunar Beast Annie, Lunar Beast Darius and a lot more.

Other Changes

  • Increased the amount of Blue Motes in Weekly Activity Chests, and slightly increased Activity Points required to earn the third chest in a week. XP and Poro Coin rewards are unchanged:
    • Chest 1: 120 Activity Points – 150BM → 250BM
    • Chest 2: 240 Activity Points – 175BM → 275BM
    • Chest 3: 465 Activity Points (was 400) – 200BM → 425BM
  • Added the ability to gift recalls, baubles and emotes.
  • Fixed a bug where reaching account level 10 would remove the Suggested Activities menu.
  • Chests now prioritize granting unowned content first, and if all potential content is owned, Poro Coins can be granted instead. This fixes an issue where chests could not be used if all potential content was owned.
  • Champions earned from leveling up have been removed as potential drops from chests.
  • Adjusted the login flow to ensure that important login popup messaging (like server status) will not be skipped when using automatic login.
  • On iOS, increased the time before automatic logout when minimizing Wild Rift or locking screen.
  • Refreshed tutorials with more information about lane indicators.
  • Moved hardware/device permission requests from first login to the first time a feature is used. For instance, instead of requesting access to save media on first login, Wild Rift now asks for access for the first time saving media (like sharing on social media).

Hero adjustments


  • Corki
  • Jarvan
  • Jax
  • Tristana
  • Twisted Fate
  • Yasuo


  • Kennen


  • Lee Sin
  • Kai Sa

Item adjustments

Youmuu’s Ghostblade


  • [Removed] Attacks convert Momentum into bonus magic damage on-hit.
  • Attacks will still remove all Momentum stacks.

Spectral Haste

  • Unchanged

Dead Man’s Plate


  • [Removed] Attacks convert Momentum into bonus magic damage on-hit.
  • Attacks will still remove all Momentum stacks.

Crushing Blow

  • [New] Attacks deal magic damage equal to Momentum stacks removed. Melee attacks that expend max Momentum also slow by 50% for 1 second

Stacking the effects of the Redemption or Locket Enchants should come at a cost similar to multiple Heals. We’re adding some restrictions to preserve active enchant diversity.

Redeeming Enchant

  • (NEW) Redemption heal effect is reduced by 50% if the target has been affected by another Redemption in the last 20 seconds

Locket Enchant

  • Locket shield effect is reduced by 50% if the target has been affected by another Locket in the last 20 seconds

That’s all for now for Patch 2.1. For more information you can visit League of Legends: Wild Rift.

But if you’re still excited for more features, they also mention about the arrival of Patch 2.2 that will come this April 2021. I hope they release more champions soon. Uhm Udyr Maybe?

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