Home MOBA Wild Rift Patch 1.0A Nerfs Xin Zhao and Other Champions

Wild Rift Patch 1.0A Nerfs Xin Zhao and Other Champions

Wild Rift Patch 1

After hearing the plead of the community last October 24, 2020, League of Legends: Wild Rift finally releases its Patch 1.0 A, bringing the first balance update to the gameplay, some nerfs and fixes.

The update focused on nerfing heroes such as Xin Zhao, Vayne and Blitzcrank because of how overpowered they are in the game.

They also fixed an issue regarding bots overly performing in Practice Mode, which I personally noticed myself and I glad they did something to rectify that. Practice Mode is a place for me to try a new hero and their skill shots and its annoying for a Bot to be exerting that much effort to kill me.

Xin Zhao

Xin Zhao was the most requested hero to be nerfed as he has quickly become the most effective jungler in the meta resulting him having a high win and pick rate.

His Ultimate also seems to be very OP as he becomes almost untouchable even by his teammates.

This update will really change Xin Zhao’s early game threat and will make him squishy unlike before. The patch targeted his ability to run around the map and get kills while also nerfing his ultimate.

Base Stats

  • Attack Damage: 70 to 64
  • Health per level: 115 to 105
  • Armor per level: 4.3 to 3.9
  • Magic Resists: 38 to 30

Audacious Charge (3rd Skill)

  • Cast Range: 6 to 5.5

Crescent Guard (Ultimate)

  • Cooldown: 80/70/60 seconds to 100/85/70 seconds


I am a support main in Wild Rift and it is a drag whenever I play against Blitzcrank in the lane. Successful hooks almost or always guarantee a kill, but even if it misses he can just charge towards you, knocking you up and burst you down with his ultimate. He is also very tanky in the lane and very difficult to kill.

Base Stats

  • Health: 690 to 650
  • Health Regen per level: 1.07 – 0.81

Static Field (Ultimate)

  • Dmage: 250/375/500 to 200/325/450
  • Silence duration: 1 second to 0.5 second


I once had a normal pub game with Vayne in the Mid lane where I used Annie. It is new for me so I was complacent and it turned out to be a mistake. Vayne snowballed from mid to late Game and didn’t give us any chance to comeback. The updated targeted her movement speed and her ability to deal large damage using Silver Bolts.

Base Stats

  • Movement Speed: 330 to 325

Night Hunter (Passive)

  • Movement Speed Bonus: 30 at Level 1 to 15 at Level 1 / 20 at Level 5 / 30 at level 9

Silver Bolts (2nd Skill)

  • Damage: 50/70/90/110 to 30/50/70/90

Click here for more information about the Wild Rift Patch 1.0 A.

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