Home MOBA Wild Rift Guide Thresh Wild Rift Guide, Build and Strategy

Thresh Wild Rift Guide, Build and Strategy

Thresh Wild Rift Guide Build

Thresh is a short range support champion who specializes in manipulating positions of himself, allies and his enemies. He also has incredible amount of utility, crowd control and area-of-effect abilities making him a formidable support. His passive also makes him strong and durable at the later stages of the game.

How to Play Thresh

How to Play Thresh Wild Rift
  • Thresh can be tanky overtime due to his passive
  • Death Sentence’s Scythe can pass through walls
  • You can also recast Death Sentence to dash to enemy caught even if you are separated by terrains or walls
  • Timing is very crucial with your teammates whenever you use Dark Passage
  • You can save your allies with Dark Passage
  • You can also use Dark Passage as an initiation tool
  • Dark Passage provides vision where the lantern is placed
  • You can also use Dark Passage to scout Baron and Dragon pits
  • The Lantern from Dark Passage also reveals enemy champions hiding on bush
  • You can also walk through your Lantern so you can gain shield
  • The Box is good at keeping your targets at bay and allowing your teammates to deal damage


Thresh Wild Rift Skills

Passive / Damnation: Thresh can harvest the souls of enemies that die near him, each soul permanently granting him 1.5 Armor and 1.5 Ability Power.

Skill 1 / Death Sentence: Throws out a Scythe, stunning the first unit hit and pulling them in for 1.5 seconds. The scythe does magic damage and grants true sight for the duration. Recast to dash to the enemy hit.

Skill 2 / Dark Passage: Throws a Lantern to a target location, allowing an ally to tap the minion button to dash to Thresh. The Lantern also grants a shield to Thresh and the first ally comes near it and absorbs damage for 4 seconds.

Skill 3 / Flay: Passive: Basic attacks deal additional magic damage based on how long since he last attacked. Active: Thresh whips his chains, pulling or pushing enemies in the direction of swing. Enemies hit are also slowed by 20% for 1 second and take magic damage.

Skill 4 / The Box: Creates a prison of spectral walls, slowing champions by 99% for 2 seconds and dealing magic damage. Walls break after one collision, and after one is broken, the rest deal half damage and slow for half duration.

Item Build

Zeke’s Convergence, Protector’s Vow, Swift Redemption, Dead Man’s Plate, Abyssal Mask, Randuin’s Omen


  • Fleet Footwork – Moving, attacking and casting builds Energy stacks. At 100 stacks, your next attack heals you and grants increase movement speed.
  • Weakness – Impairing the movement of enemy champions makes them take 5% more damage in the following 5 seconds.
  • Bone Plating – After taking damage from a champion, the next 3 champion abilities or attacks against you within 1.5 seconds deal less damage.
  • Pack Hunter – While near ally champions, gain 2% movement speed. For each unique ally you participate in a takedown with, you gain 50 gold and the ally gains 50 gold.


  • Heal
  • Flash

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