Home Gaming Rise of Kingdom Guide and Review

Rise of Kingdom Guide and Review

Rise of Kingdom Guide

I think the reason why you’re here is that you’ve seen enough ads on Youtube regarding this game. I think the marketing team of Rise of the Kingdom did a good job in promoting their product because their ads are ridiculously funny. They got one thing right, they got my attention and I was forced to try it.

Rise of Kingdom: Lost Crusade is a great way to enjoy and at the same time look back at our history. My first impression is that it has a lot of features that will literally hold you for hours and hours. I love how diverse and unique each civilization is to the other. One thing that I also loved about the game is it is very educational because of the names of the characters, languages, soundtracks, and structures. I am enjoying and at the same time learning as well.


The goal is very simple, you create your Civilization, train warriors/troops. You can either launch epic wars, become virtuous and famous for your sagacity, explore the unknown as a pioneer or dedicate yourself to helping your own people. You choose your path.

List of Rise of Kingdom Civilizations:

The first thing that you will do is to choose a civilization. Each choice has its specific edge over the other and also has its special unit. You have the options to choose from:


Starting Commander: Scipio Africanus

Special Unit: Legionary


Starting Commander: Hermann

Special Unit: Teutonic Knight


Starting Commander: Boudica

Special Unit: Longbowman


Starting Commander: Joan of Arc

Special Unit: Throwing Axeman


Starting Commander: Pelagius

Special Unit: Conquistador


Starting Commander: Sun Tzu

Special Unit: Chu-Ko-Nu


Starting Commander: Kusonoki Masashige

Special Unit: Samurai


Starting Commander: Eulji Mundeok

Special Unit: Hwarang


Starting Commander: Baibars

Special Unit: Mamluk

Ottoman Empire

Starting Commander: Osman I

Special Unit: Janissary


Starting Commander: Belisarius

Special Unit: Cataphract

Choosing a civilization was hard because all of them had its unique units and advantages. I chose Japan because its skill ‘Bushido’ includes an effect that will increase resource gathering speed by 5%. Since my idea of the game was ‘building’ and ‘creating troops’, I thought resources would be very important. France and Spain has some resources advantage too but I still chose the Land of the Rising sun because of my love for the Samurais.

Things you need to do

You will start with just a small city. Knowing the needs of your people is the first step towards prosperous development. 

Build The two Most Important Structure

To build a structure, click the build icon on the lower left side of the screen. Then click the structure you want to build and place them on your territory. 


Your people need food. Build a farm to ensure a stable food supply.

Lumber Mill

Produces wood from trees. These wood are used to build structures and train troops.

Train Troops

To train troops, click on Barracks, click the army icon and then train. 

Upgrade Wall

To reinforce your city defenses, you need to upgrade your wall. Click the gate of your city, and choose the upgrade icon.

Get a commander

The key to victory is to get an outstanding commander. Building a Tavern will allow you to recruit commanders.


To build a Tavern, just click the build icon on the lower left side of the screen. Click military and build a Tavern.

To recruit a commander, Click the tavern you’ve just built and click the recruit icon. 


To get out of the city, click the map icon on the lower left side of the screen. Click on the search button on the lower left of the screen to search for enemies. Click on the barbarians that you’ve searched then press attack. Then dispatch a new army from your city and choose a commander then the battle will automatically start. 


For beginners like me in the game, you don’t have to worry about progression because you just need to follow the quest. It can be seen on the upper left of the screen and it will guide you all the way. Every quest you accomplished, you’ll get food and wood as rewards. 


What I love about the game is that you get to decorate your city too. You have the option to add trees, lanterns, pillars, sculptures, fountains, spruces, and many more. 


You can also form Alliances with other players and engage in battles. 

Other Structures


Mines stone from the ground


Mines gold to create coins


Research new technologies


Items for sale


Honors the pioneers of civilization

Trading Post

Allows alliances to trade resources

Courier Station

Resting place for traveling merchants


Protects resources from invaders


Rallies alliance troops

Notice Board

Displays recent announcements

Scout Camps

Manages your scouts. Scouts are very useful as you can use them to explore the fog and unknown locations and gather information about the enemies. After deploying your scout, it will automatically explore the area and you will be notified if it makes any discoveries. 


Trains archers.

Builders Hut

This is where you manage your building queue. You can spend gems to add que or use speedup items to reduce construction time.


This is where you heal your injured troops. It will cost you a certain amount of resources depending on the number of units that you will heal.  

Alliance Center

Allows allies to assist your city.


Trains cavalry

Siege Workshop

Create siege weapons


Produces powerful equipment

Upgrading Buildings

Upgrading is necessary to improve a buildings’ capacity etc. For example, upgrading a farm will speed up its food production, increase its max food capacity and power. 

Speeding Items

This is used to speed up the building process of structures.

Commander Talent Tree and Skills

Each commander has a talent tree and receives talent points that can be used to level up their skill. You can assign talent points based on each commander’s unique traits. You can reset a talent tree but it’s not free.

Each commander has a unique set of 4 Skills. You need to have enough commander sculptures to upgrade your skills.


You can check out the items you obtained in the game through your inventory. Resources are protected even if your city is sacked. 

Final Thoughts

When I started playing Rise of Kingdom: Lost Crusade, I realized that I will be spending a lot of my precious time in this game. The main reason is it has a lot of features and a few hours of playing is not sufficient to cover it all. This is a sign of a good game for me because they are forcing me to engage in it a little longer. This is a game where you will invest time and dedication to satisfy your gaming experience. And honestly speaking, there are things that I still haven’t covered yet and that’s fine. It only means that I and the game still have a lot of bonding to do.

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