The annual 515 Party has started and its time to rack up discounts and rewards! All you need is to login to these dates to get a chance to win free skins, super discounts, rewards and a lot more.
515 Eparty Event Calender (April 27 – May 31, 2021)
- April 27: Chou S.T.U.N. Skin
- April 27 – May 16: 515 Carnival Party (Complete Tasks to earn promo diamonds that you can use on May 12.)
- April 30: 515 Exclusive Site
- May 1: Free new Hero Phoveus
- May 2: Lyric Video
- May 7: Animated Trailer
- May 8: Music Video
- May 8: Brody S.T.U.N. Skin
- May 8: Hero Selection Chest
- May 11: Skin Sale (51 Diamonds only for first 14 days)
- May 11: Party Box
- May 12: Super Discount (Up to 50% off)
- May 13: Harith Skin
- May 15: Free Elite Skin
- May 15: 515 Lucky Star
- May 15: Selena S.T.U.N. Skin
- May 15: Free Permanent Skin
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