Home Gaming Legends of Runeterra Beginners Guide and Review

Legends of Runeterra Beginners Guide and Review

Legends of Runeterra Guide and Review

Been waiting for League of Legends Wild Rift for a long time? Then you should try playing Legend of Runeterra first. This is a card game that requires extensive strategy and amazing deck composition to take down your enemy. You can download the game on Android and on IOS.

In Legends of Runeterra, you and your opponent take turns in taking actions each round to defeat one another.

Cards are composed of classic League champions and new ones that you’ve loved ever since time immemorial. If you want to learn how the game works then continue reading on. 


Basically, you need to form a deck that is composed of 24 champions. Each card has a unique mechanic that is based on their original league of legends abilities.

Each card is grouped into 6 regions: Demacia, Noxus, Freljord, Piltover & Zaun, Iona, and Shadow Isles. If you’ve been an avid reader of the Lores in League then I’ll bet that you’re familiar with these names. 

I think the most important thing about cards is knowing more about their special effects rather than their attack power and health. You’ll know why as you play the game.

The damage that your card can deal can be found on the lower left of the card while  the health is seen on the opposite. Their special effects can be seen in their description.


The gameplay is very straightforward and easy to understand.

Your hand can be seen on the lower right of the battle screen. You can tap the card for it to expand.

To play the card, just tap the card and drag it on the field. But here’s the twist, there is a required mana for you to play any cards. You start the game always with 1 mana. Each round, your mana refills and you gain an additional mana gem.


You can only attack every other round. If you’re enemy attacks first, then you’ll be able to attack the next round.

To attack the opponent, you just need to drag in the card that you’ve played into the field and press attack.

As you can see here, Garen, whose attack is 6, defeated Draven whose health is 3. Garen also survived the attack because his health is bigger than Dravens’ power. So you need to be wary because you might lose your cards during your attack.

When you don’t have any actions left then you need to pass. If both players pass then the round is over and a new round begins. If you attacked the last round then it will be your enemy’s turn next round.


This game isn’t only about attacking. You need to defend yourself too. To block an attack, you need to place the card in front of the enemy’s card that you want to specifically block. This will prevent your nexus from taking damage. If you don’t block your enemy’s attack then your nexus will take a direct hit.

Leveling Up

Cards level up in different ways. Example, Garen levels up after striking an enemy once. Another example, Braum levels up when he blocks an enemy. So you need to be wary of this to properly utilize their power.

Attack effects

This is very crucial because these special effects can really affect the outcome of each game. Each card has unique attack effects. For example, Elise summons spiderlings when she attacks.

You should also tap the enemy’s card so you can view their information and associated items.

How to win?

To achieve victory, you need to destroy the enemy nexus. To do this, you need to attack your enemy directly without his cards blocking the way.

Other Cards


There are also cards that are not champions and they are called Followers. Unlike champions though, they don’t level up.


Spells are powerful cards with special effects that can turn the tide of battle. At the end of each round, unused 3 mana will be turned into spell mana.

Other Tips


You can get rewards as you progress through the game.

Daily Quests

Claim your rewards too whenever you log in for consecutive days!


This is where you can buy cards, boards, guardians, and many more. This game is free to play but you can also pay to buy cards. But the good thing is you don’t get random cards whenever you buy, you get exactly what you want.

Key to winning

I think the recipe to winning games is to have the best deck that compliments each other. Though the game is very straightforward, I find it hard to win a game at the beginning. Then I realized that it was because of my ignorance about the cards’ unique effects and keywords. You really need to strategize and create the best deck if you really want to have a winning streak. Going into the battlefield being ignorant of all cards is a suicide mission. 

First Impression

The interface is very easy to use which is important since it is a mobile game. I’m also in love with the graphics, from the character design and the choice of colors. The reward and loot system is also good as it can get you a lot of cards without actually paying actual money.

The complexity of the game probably will be the main reason why I’ll be playing this for a long time. I’ve played many card games but was forced to leave because it’s too repetitive but that isn’t the case for LoR. What I also love about the game is that it is not pay to play, as you can grind to get cards. The only thing that I’m confused about at the moment is the timing of the spells(Burst, Fast, Slow), but that just means that I have to invest more time into playing it to master it all.

Legends of Runeterra is definitely a league above other card games and definitely would recommend it to my friends. This is probably a good consolation for us players who’ve been waiting for a long time for Wildrift to be released.

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