Home MOBA How to Play Mobile Legends – Ultimate Guide

How to Play Mobile Legends – Ultimate Guide

How to Play Mobile Legends

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is a 5v5 MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) where you choose your favorite heroes to fight against other players in real-time. The game is very much free to play, however, some items can be purchased with real money such as heroes and skins but it is not mandatory.

Just like MOBAs on PC, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang features classic MOBA maps and 5v5 battles. Building the perfect team is also necessary and all of you should be in synced with each other to ensure victory. This game is very beginner-friendly and perfect for those who wanted to start their journey in MOBAs as it has simple controls and is very easy to master. As a matter of fact, you only need two fingers to master the game.

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang also caters to the mobile gaming standards, as matches only take 10-15 minutes making it a perfect casual go-to-game anytime, anywhere. Short breaks on work and school? Waiting for someone? With your friends but have nothing to do? Go play Mobile Legends: Bang Bang as it is the perfect game to pass the time!

Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Beginner’s Guide

It has been 6 years ever since the game was released and if you ever wonder if it is too late to enter the game, then the answer is no. The game still has a lot of recurring players as of today and there are still newcomers who join the game every day.

The first thing that you need to know if you are practically new to Mobile Legends: Bang Bang or MOBA itself is to know about the game modes. There are currently 5 game modes in the game (Classic 5v5, Ranked 5v5, Brawl, Arcade, Magic Chess) but the most important to know is the Classic 5v5 match-up mode.

Classic Mode

In this mode, you will be teamed up with four other players to fight against 5 players in the other team on a map. The main objective of the game is to destroy the enemy base, most importantly the nexus, while killing other enemy heroes and destroying turrets in the process. You will be assisted by spawned AI units or minions who fight forward with you along the set paths. These minions are uncontrollable and only go in a certain direction.

Though the objective is very simple, there is also a lot to consider in the game such as buying items to strengthen your heroes, obtaining jungle buffs to gain additional power, and securing objectives to gain significant advantages in the game.

Buying Items

At the start of every game, each player will be given 250 gold to buy anything in the shop. These items in the shop are necessary for you to strengthen your heroes, thus making it easy for you to defeat enemy heroes and destroy the enemy base.

You automatically gain a small amount of gold over time but you can increase this up by killing minions in the lanes (or just by standing close to them but it only gives a portion of gold), killing heroes, destroying turrets, and taking jungle objectives.

Getting items ahead of the enemies is very important as it will give you the advantage that you need to push and destroy their base. Also, take note of the items that you buy for your heroes as it is very vital for them to have the items that will further enhance their abilities and also counter the enemy.

Each hero has their different item builds perfect for each scenario and if you want to check them out then you can check the guides that we’ve made here.

Jungle Buffs

Besides the items, jungle buffs are also important as they can give you the necessary buff to increase the sats of your hero. There are three kinds of minions that each give unique buffs once killed and these are; Purple Buff, Red Buff, Lithowanderer, and Crab.

Blue Buff

Buff: Reduces skill cooldown by 10%, skill mana cost by 60%, skill energy cost by 25%. After killing a unit regenerates HP according to the type of the unit.

Red Buff

Buff: Attack deals 50(+37)(+52) extra True damage and slows the target by 20% for 1 second. Cooldown: 3 seconds. Also gains 10% Physical/Magic Penetration (Adaptive).


Buff: Heroes nearby Walkie Grass recover 1% Mana per second, and heroes within Walkie Grass have their movement speed increased by 15% in the river.


Gold Buff: Get 10 Gold per 3 seconds. Lasts 18 seconds.



Gives a certain amount of shield to the one who slays it and all his teammates. When the carrier doesn’t receive any damage in 5 seconds, generates a shield that can absorb 400(+200) Damage and increase the carrier’s Physical Attack by 20(+10) and Magic Power by 25(+20). Scales with Hero’s level.


Slaying the Lord will give you EXP and Gold. After a few moments, it will spawn in one of your lanes and aid you in battle.


Laning phase happens in the early stages of the game. The lane that you will go to depends on what type of hero that you choose. The goal is to earn enough gold and EXP to pressure the enemy in your lane and to destroy the turret.

  • Mid Lane – Mages/Supports
  • EXP Lane – Fighters
  • Gold Lane – Marksman
  • Jungle – Core Heroes/Assassin
  • Roam – Tank/Supports

Note: These are just the most common roles suitable for these lanes but not necessarily exclusive to that. For example, mages can also be played in the Gold Lane. Lineups and laning are always case-to-case basis and it depends on your current team lineup and the enemy team lineup.

Ranked Matches

Ranked matches are almost identical with the Classic 5v5 and the only difference is that you are placed in one of the 7 divisions of the ranked game which is arranged from lowest to highest (Warrior to Mythic). You will be matched opponents and allies with the same or almost near rank.

For more information about ranked matches then you can check out our guide here.

Other Modes


Fast-paced 5v5 match in a 1-lane battlefield. 2 random heroes are provided for each player to choose from. All players will spawn in the same position and fight in 1 lane. Players can’t go back to the Spawning Spot as soon as they leave so they can’t regenerate HP or purchase items until they are taken down. The team that destroys the enemy’s base wins.

Human vs AI

Fight alongside real players against Computer-controlled heroes.


  • Magic Chess – 8 players will fight against each other on this Chessboard. Buy and upgrade heroes and customize your lineup to trigger synergies.
  • Boomander – Collect Fluffy growing in the oasis near the Tree of Origin and cast these explosive puffballs at others.
  • Mirror – In the Hero selection phase, players vote for the hero they would like to use out of a random set of heroes. The hero with the most votes will become the hero that everyone will use.
  • Mayhem – In this mode, they’ve enhanced the skill effects, damage, and cooldown of all heroes. Heroes start at level 4 and they gain gold quickly. The cooldown of arrival is also shorter.
  • Ravage – Show your courage and strength to save Zlatan and defend the Land of Dawn.
  • Overdrive – In this mode, heroes will have their powers greatly heightened, gaining drastically reduced skill cooldowns, infinite Mana and Energy regen, mind-blowing attack speed, and increased level limits.


Emblems give you boosts on your attributes such as attack, defense, and a lot more. It also gives you innate effects for each kind of emblem. There are 9 different emblem sets for different roles. When you create an account, you own 2 common emblems sets and the remaining 7 emblems will be unlocked once your account reaches level 10.

Each emblem has its own emblem level and each upgrade requires some items and BPs. The higher the level of your emblem, the higher power boots it gives. You can only choose 1 type of emblem for your hero every single match.

Make sure to prioritize leveling up your emblems as it is very vital and gives you a lot of advantages in the game.


If you get familiar with all the terms mentioned above then you are on the right track. But always remember that the best way for you to get good at Mobile Legends: Bang Bang is constant practice and play a lot of repetitive games as experience is always the best teacher at these kinds of games.

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