Baxia is a Tank hero that has high mobility and can take a lot of incoming damage from the enemies. Aside from being very tanky, Baxia is also capable of dealing high magic damage to the enemies, making him a good multi-role hero for the team.
Disclaimer: I’m just a casual gamer and not a pro. I just want to share with you things that works very well for me when playing this hero.

Passive / Baxia Mark: This passive reduces the final damage received by 25%. Baxia will reduce the regen effect of the enemies hit by his skills by 30% for 4 seconds.
Skill 1 / Baxia-Shield Unity: Baxia retracts himself into his shield and accelerates forward. When he hits an enemy, he will deal magic damage to it and surrounding enemies, as well as stunning them. During the process of accelerating forward, you can reactivate the skill to jump Baxia upward so that he can cross obstaccles and minions. When leaping up and if there is an enemy hero under Baxia, he will strike this hero, dealing magic damage and stunning the target for 1 second.
Skill 2 / Shield of Spirit: Baxia throws his shield forward that will disappear upon hitting an enemy hero or creeps, dealing magic damage to the target. It also marks them for 5 seconds and slows them down by 50% for 1 second. If the shield hits a creep or enemy hero, the cooldown of this skill will be reduced by 50%.
Skill 3 / Tortoise’s Puissance: Baxia deploys a frontal shield and dashes forward, increasing his movement speed by 30% for 10 seconds. He also creates a lava path along his way, dealing magic damage to enemies on the path and slowing them by 15% for 0.5 seconds. During the skill duration, the damage reduction effect endowed by his passive will be boosted by 140%.
Skill Upgrade Priority
Best Item Builds for Baxia

Courage Mask, Warrior Boots, Cursed Helmet, Dominance Ice, Athena’s Shield, Immortality

Beast Killer, Warrior Boots, Cursed Helmet, Queen’s Wings, Immortality, Twilight Armor
Emblem for Baxia
- Vitality – +65/+130/+200 HP
- Inspire – +2.5%/+5%/+8% CD Reduction
- Tenacity – Increase physical and magical defense by 35 points when health is less than 40%.
Spell for Baxia
- Flicker – This spell will give Baxia more initiation and escaping opportunities
- Revitalize – More survivability for Baxia
- Retribution – Baxia is also an effective jungle so this spell would be a good choice
Other Tips

- Baxia can also be used as a Jungler
- The damage reduction of Baxia’s passive increases with his level so expect him to be more tanky in the late game
- Use his 1st skill for initiation or for escaping
- His 1st skill also can be used to jumped through obstacles
- While using 1st skill, try to hit enemies while jumping to increase stun duration and damage
- Use his 2nd skill to poke enemies
- Always hit marked enemies with Baxia’s 2nd skill to reduce its cooldown by 85%. This will allow you to spam it and take down enemies faster
- Baxia’s 2nd skill cd effect also works on jungle monsters
- You can use his Ultimate while using 1st skill
- Baxia’s Ultimate can be used for initiation or when enemies are chasing you
- Baxia can be super tanky when his Ultimate is activated plus the effect of his passive skill
- Baxia is also good against healers and lifestealers
That’s all for the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Baxia Guide! If you have questions, suggestions or recommendations, you can share them below.
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