Barats together with his dinosaur Detona is a Tank Hero who can absorb energy and become bigger. He is a Dino Rider good in dueling and crowd control.
Disclaimer: I’m just a casual gamer and not a pro. I just want to share with you things that works very well for me when playing this hero.

Passive / I AM BIG!: Whenever Barats deal damage to a target, he gains 1 stack of Big Guy for 12 seconds (25 stacks maximum). Every stack he gains will earn him additional body size, physical / magical defense and resilience. When it reaches 16 stacks, Detonal will trample the target with each basic attack dealing damage and slowing a round area for 0.2 seconds.
Skill 1 / So-Called Teamwork: Detona spits oil in a fan shaped area in front dealing physical damage and slowing targets by 30% for 1 seconds. After a short while, Barats will drop the firecracker and ignites the oil, dealing damage to the enemies within the area
Skill 2 / Missile Expert: Barats places two missiles in the designated area. Upon landing, a blast of flame sprouts from the missile, dealing physical damage in a straight line to the enemies and pushing them toward Barats.
Skill 3 / Detona’s Welcome: Detona locks into an enemy hero. If the enemy doesn’t leave within the range of the skill for 1.5 seconds, Detonal will devour the target. Barats is immune to CC and unable to move while he suppress the target. After 1 second, you can now spit the enemy to where you are facing, dealing physical damage. If the target is thrown into a wall or enemy heroes, it will be stunned for 1 seconds.
Skill Upgrade Priority
Best Item Builds for Barats

Warrior Boots, Guardian Helmet, Cursed Helmet, Thunder Belt, Brute Force Breastplate, Immortality
Emblem for Barats
- Shield – +4 Magic DEF/Level
- Invasion – +2 Physical PEN/Level
- Festival of Blood – Gains 8% Spell Vamp. Kills grant 1% extra Spell Vamp. (Up to 12%)
Spell for Barats
- Flicker – Good for escaping and you can also combine it with your Ultimate Skill.
- Vengeance – Additional damage for Barats since he is a frontliner
Other Tips

- Barat’s skill is based on HP so it is important to build items that will increase its HP.
- Try to engage enemies with Barat’s having full stack so you’ll have additional magic defense, resilience and additional damage plus slow for his basic attack
- Try to hit multiple enemies with your skill to get stacks faster
- Don’t let your passive timer run out
- You can use Barats 2nd Skill against a wall to proc its stun
- You can also use his 2nd skill to push enemies away
- After capturing enemies using your Ultimate, aim and throw them on a wall or turret to proc its stun and additional damage.
- Utilize your Flicker by using it with your Ultimate
- 3rd Skill > 1st Skill > 2nd Skill
That’s all for the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Barats Guide! If you have questions, suggestions or recommendations, you can share them below.
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