In Axie Infinity: Origin, Status Effects are buffs and debuffs that can impact Axies during a battle. Buffs are positive status effects while Debuffs are negative status effects. Then there’s the Status Effect Taunt which is the sole Neutral buff in the game so far.
Floating icons that can be found on top of your Axies mean that positive or negative status effects have been applied to them.
Bubble – Block 5 DMG/stack. Max: 3 stack. Turn ito Bubble Bomb upon reaching 3 stacks.
Bubble Bomb – Next attack explodes Bubble Bomb and deals 20 DMG to all enemies.
Cleanser – Each stack negates 1 debuff applied on the target.
Damage Boost – The target has Attack DMG increased by 1 per stack.
Feather – When Axie does an attack, consume all Feather stacks to deal 2 bonus DMG per stack and heal 2 HP per stack. Max: 10 stack.
Fury – Gain 1 Energy when transforms. Deal double damage and last for 1 turn.
Healing Boost – Increase healing card effects to this unit by 1 HP per stack.
Leaf – Regen 5 HP at the end of your turn. Max stack: 5
Meditate – Meditate for 2 turns. If attacked while Meditating, awake and gain 3 Rage. If not, Cleanse 1 debuff and gain 1 Energy after effect ends.
> Rage – DMG is increased by 2 per Rage stack. Transforms into Fury Form when reaches 10 Rage stack.
Shield Boost – The target has Shield ained from cards increased by 1 per stack.
Stealth – The target cannot be targeted direclt. If it uses a card, remove Stealth.
Bleed – Whenever the target uses a card, it loses 15 HP.
Death Mark – Whenever opponent plays an Attack Card, the target take 13 DMG per Energy spent.
Disarmed – The target cannot use Attack cards.
Doubt – The target gains 20% less HP from Healing.
Fear – Whenever the target uses an Attack card, shuffle a Confused into its draw pile.
Fragile – The target gains 20% less Shield from cards.
Heal Block – The target cannot be healed.
Hex – Whenever the target uses a non-Attack card, shuffle a Confused into its draw pile.
Poison – At the start of its turn, the target loses 3 HP per stack and stacks are reduced by 1. Max: 30 stacks.
Silence – The target cannont use non-Attack cards.
Sleep – The target cannot use cards. If it is attacked, remove Sleep.
Stunned – The target cannot perform any action.
Vulnerable – The target receives 20% more attack damage.
Weak – The target deals 20% less attack damage.
Taunt – The target is always targeted by enemy’s attack abilities.
All information and images are from Axie Infinity.