Axie Infinity: Origin (Battles V3) is a turn-based card game where your Axies battle against monsters and real-time players. You can choose between two modes of gameplay which is the Adventure Mode and Arena Mode. The only difference in-between these modes is the opponent that you will be facing but the gameplay mechanics are the same for both.
Curious to know how the new battle system works on Axie Infinity: Origin? Then you came to the right place!
Table of Contents

In Axie Infinity: Origin, you will be given non-NFT Starter Axies for free as you arrive in the game. Personal Axies or NFT Axies can be acquired and bought on the Marketplace. The difference between the two is that Personal Axies have the ability to make you earn special rewards such as SLP, the ability to breed and trade while Starter Axies don’t.
Each Axie that you own has 6 cards that determine their abilities compared to V2 wherein Axies only have four. Each card/ability has 1 Charm slot. You can also give your Axie Runes that will give them special powers.
How to Play
Just like the old version, the goal is for your Axies to defeat your opponent and the first player to defeat the 3 opposing Axie’s health to 0 wins.

- First player to strike first is decided randomly so players who go first have the advantage so to balance this, players who go second will receive a 0 cost energy Coin Card which grants one additional energy when played
- Each player will have a deck of 18 cards and every turn you draw 5 cards
- You will start each turn with 3 Energy
- Each card that you use will cost energy to play
- If you’ve used all your cards and energy then you must end your turn
- Unused cards or Energy are discarded so skipping doesn’t have any advantage
- Cards have special abilities that either give Axies buffs or debuffs. Floating icons at the top of their head indicate that they have active Status Effects
- You collect rewards after winning a battle
Gameplay Mechanics

- You can hover over a card to enlarge it and tap on the card to use it.
- All of your unused cards in your hand will be discarded after your turn except for those cards that have the Retain Tag.
Revenge Cards
- Even if your Axie is defeated, you will continue to draw cards from it in the next turns and they are now called Revenge Cards. These cards have Ethereal and Banish Tags so they will be discarded after your turn regardless of whether you decided to use them

- On the lower left screen, you can see your Draw Pile from which your cards will be drawn. You can click on this draw pile to view the remaining cards to be drawn. Take note that when you view the Draw Pile your cards will be shuffled.
- On the lower right side of the screen is the Discard Pile and played or used cards are placed here
- Once you’ve drawn all of your cards in the Draw Pile, the cards from the Discard Pile will be shuffled in the Draw Pile
- You get 3 Energy every turn and each card costs from 0 to 2 Energy to use.
- Unused energy is discarded after a turn
- In Arena Mode, you only have 45 seconds to complete your turn and after that, your turn will end automatically
- Meanwhile, there is no turn time limit in Adventure Mode
Status Effects
- Status Effects such as buffs and debuffs can impact Axies during a battle.
- In Origin, you can no longer place more than one Axie in the same column
- By default, attacks will target the front-most Axie of your opponent unless there are active game mechanics such as Taunt (The Taunt effect will cause all incoming enemy attacks to target this Axie), etc.
- Some of the cards allow you to target an ally or opponent (Either a heal or an attack).
- Some cards will target the 2nd-frontmost Axie or the furthest and this is similar to what we call “Backdoor” in V2. The only catch is subsequent attacks in V3 do not continue to target the Axie who was attacked with the initial Backdoor card.
Resources: All information and images are from Axie Infinity