Home Gaming AirConsole – Guide and List of Games

AirConsole – Guide and List of Games


Air Console lets you play multiplayer games on your web browser and use your smartphones as gamepads or controllers. (All images are credited to airconsole.com)

How to Play

Go to Airconsole.com

Go to their website airconsole.com and then press Start.

Connect your phones to Air Console

After clicking start, you will be redirected to a new menu and you will be provided with a code. Go to airconsole.com on your mobile’s web browser and enter the code. After entering the code, you can now control the main screen with your smartphone.

Enter the code that you can see on your desktop screen

Choose a Game

You can now choose the game you want to play with your friends using your smartphone as a controller/gamepad. Free users can play 10 games / 2 players using Free Starter Pack as default. But you can also opt for Hero for $4.99 / month, allowing you to access 120+ games and with no ads as a hindrance. You can also play with unlimited players with Air Console Hero.

You can choose up to 10 Free Games

Use your Smartphone to Navigate Air Console

Let the Fun Begin!

You can now invite your friends and play some enjoyable multiplayer games to kill time!

Smartphone as Controller

Note: Advertisements between games can last up to 30-40 seconds.

List of Free Games

GoKarGo! Air

Kart racing has never been so much fun!

Players: 1-4

The Neighborhood

Challenge your friends in a crazy slingshot battle!

Players: 1-8

Racing Wars

Race to the finish line or just blow everyone up!

Players: 1-8


Guess what your friends are drawing!

Players: 2-10

Silly World Series

Compete in a World Cup of Mini-Games!

Players: 1-8


Play the AirConsole Trivia challenges or create one yourself!

Player: 1

8 Bit Fiesta

A party game that anybody can play and enjoy!

Players: 1-4

Friends Quiz

Find out if you know your friend’s secrets!

Players: 2-10

No Heroes Here

Rally your friends and hold your ground. No Heroes Here is a co-op game for one to four players!

Players: 1-4

Smoots Summer Games

Sports game plenty of track and field games!

Players: 1-6

Cards and Humanity

Dark humor. You fill in the gaps. Adult only.

Players: 1+

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