Uranus is a tank hero who can take a lot of damage and has high survivability. He can also deal a lot of damage and is a force to be reckoned with in the solo lane. Combined with his survivability and ability to deal damage, Uranus can really be a threat to the enemies especially when geared properly.
Disclaimer: I’m just a casual gamer and not a pro. I just want to share with you things that works very well for me when playing this hero.

Passive / Radiance: Uranus absorbs the energy generated by attacks made against him to strengthen himself, regenerating 3-14 HP per second for each stack for over 10 seconds. Can be stacked up to 20 times.
Skill 1 / Ionic Edge: Uranus releases two energy spheres that orbit around him, dealing magic damage to enemy targets and slowing them by 30% for 2 seconds. Each time this skill deals damage to a target, it will receive a stack of mark. Each stack increases the damage of this skill by 40% up to 320%. Each energy sphere can only deal damage to the same target once.
Skill 2 / Transcendent Ward: Uranus jumps towards the target location, dealing magic damage to enemies along the way and also in the target area and slowing them down by 25%. Uranus also generates an energy shield that absorbs damage for 4 seconds. The shield explodes when broken or at the end of its duration, also dealing magic damage to enemies nearby.
Skill 3 / Consecration: Uranus unleashes energy stored within his body to remove slow effects on himself and restore 200 HP immediately, while also increasing his movement speed by 80%. Uranus directly acquires 5 stacks of Radiance, increasing 20% of his shield received and HP regeneration for 8 seconds.
Skill Upgrade Priority
Best Item Build for Uranus

Warrior Boots, Enchanted Talisman, Brute Force Breastplate, Oracle, Antique Cuirass, Dominance Ice
Emblem for Uranus
- Agility – +2% Movement SPD/Level
- Recovery – +5 Hybrid Regen/Level
- Avarice – Gains an extra 10 gold after dealing damage to enemy heroes (up to 1200 gold). This effect has 4 second cooldown.
Spell for Uranus
- Flicker – For additional mobility and useful in many occasions
- Execute – This is very helpful in securing kills and bursting down squishy heroes
Other Tips

- You can cut the lane at level 1 to clear the minion wave faster
- Uranus has high sustain in the lane because of his passive so don’t worry about trading damage with your enemies
- Remember that the more passive stacks you have, the more HP regen Uranus will have
- Poke enemies with your 1st skill as it has low cooldowns. Harass them as much as possible
- Hitting enemies with your 1st skill gives them a stack of mark that increases damage dealt to them the higher the stack
- Always be on the frontlines and protect your core heroes
- You can use your 2nd skill to chase or escape from enemies
- His 2nd skill has a delay before it explodes so it is important to time it properly
- Use her 3rd skill to remove slow effects and restore HP
- You can also use her 3rd skill primarily for increasing movement speed
- Uranus is unstoppable only if he has the right items
- Also be aware of anti-regen skills or items that the enemy has
- Skill Combo: 2nd Skill > 1st Skill > 3rd Skill (Ultimate)
That’s all for the Mobile Legends: Bang Bang Uranus Guide! If you have questions, suggestions or recommendations, you can share them below.
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